The quarterly report season, the company offered light and shade. The Dax , which had lost in the High and Low, respectively, slightly more than one percent, or won, closed with a loss of 0.54 percent in absolute 12,591. 68 points. The MDax fell by 0.27 per cent to 26.803,37 counter. The AI-controlled indices BDX Europe and BDX Germany imports minus 3.07 and minus 2.75 percent, also significant losses. DAX absolute 12,591,68 PTS. -68,57 (-0,54%) Xetra

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In early trading, the Dax made yet another attempt to jump over the hurdle of 12,750 points. However, the strength went out of him, because of the known risk factors quickly. FOCUS-MONEY – buying-Alarm! The new Corona a buying opportunity

The sirens shrill and purchase an alarm. FOCUS-MONEY presents the biggest firecracker, the hottest exotics, the best gold mines, and shares with only a rate one-way street, in this PDF magazine . With these securities, investors can earn now.

PDF FOCUS MONEY no 33 – the purchase of an Alarm! The new Corona purchase chance

Between the more rampant Corona pandemic, the stalemate in the US, the lacing of a further aid package and the ongoing saber-ends-rattling between the United States and China, there was a lack of investors once more to the necessary Confidence.


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