The 22-Year-old Adriana A. moved in April of 2020, unemployment benefit II, most of the short-Hartz IV. Who receives this benefit, you must have informed the authority of any Changes in the circumstances of life. Exactly but have not done the woman, the accusation of jobcenter, as the “Ostsee-Zeitung” reported. The specific allegation: The young woman was now working to earn money, had not informed the Agency about it.

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Adriana A. told the blade: you painted all the covers “with the note, I and my three-year-old son Oscar would work in a scaffolding company and could now provide for my income.” This is completely absurd, especially since it was in the question of April already pregnant. Little Anton came in mid-June to the world.

Also interesting: the Latest Figures, Many unemployment benefit recipients receive less than 1000 euros in a month

Jobcenter has not. clean

worked Slowly, it became clear that the official fire letter some things were to fall

The exact reading of the authorities letter will not clearly, that the in the letter-intentioned Person, even Adriana A., the report says. Instead, go to your friend. Began to work in April at a scaffolding company.

The want to have communicated to the young woman in the Jobcenter, the sent work of the contract arrived but never. The authority says at least.

Direct communication

The mishap could happen only because the Jobcenter in Greifswald since the onset of the Corona-crisis, was closed in mid-March temporarily. Clients such as Adriana A. communicated by Post or E-Mail with the authority. But that didn’t work so well for you easily, tells the 22-Year-old.

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After the first excitement of the rugged authorities handle Adriana A. write up the phone and spoke directly with the Desk officers in the job centre Greifswald. With success: It had been granted at least a Pro-rata payment.

The employment office wanted to give on demand of the “Ostsee-Zeitung”, no detailed information on the incident. You “but regret the unfortunate wording in the letter,” – said in the report.

A representative of the jobcenter has a tip for all of you to communicate in times of pandemic with the authorities: “The best and most comprehensible Form of communication in a personal conversation,” she quotes from the “Ostsee-Zeitung”.

Jobcenter by Corona-crisis

overwhelmed with the demand, had Vorpommern, the job centres-to cope Greifswald North in March and April 2020, four times the application amount as compared with normal times. This was achieved often only thanks to the telephone support of clients.

That was probably the Problem from Adriana A.: to communicate by letter and email, she would have to simply pick up the phone.

  • read also: In the fight against Hartz IV: Helena stone house families give in the crisis of 23,000 Euro.

The Ariana A. a also sees. However, she has a Request: “That staff make the call from the Jobcenter, if you notice that something is missing or has not arrived. And not equal to the remuneration to be deleted.“, cited in the report. Because she was pregnant, had been to the Jobcenter known.

Jobcenter may not had been no breakdown

Why such a call, you will not be able to see the job centre spokeswoman. It is actually normal that “the consultant’s calling by when documents required for a file are missing,” she said, according to the report.

Adriana A. hopes that this happens again in the future more often.

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