The sun had on this second Saturday in August no mercy for the protesters. The 30-degree mark was exceeded by the lunch time, there was a demonstration made up of several hundreds of participants sat at the Stuttgart Marienplatz in motion. Five kilometers, you went by police vehicles, accompanied to the North to the Lower castle garden, where the main event was to take place. And – in contrast to Berlin last week – then, as planned, six and a half hours later, the end.

Although the content of the minimum intervals were not incidents such as the mass on Saturday in Stuttgart. And also the number of participants was “several Hundred” according to the police, clearly under the specifications of the organiser – he called the number 5000. However, the gap between participants of the approved Demonstration, and passers-by was on the other part big, also could not hide the orderly sequence.

“Sad how stupid the human race

Slogans” as is “With mask – without us,” “We to you” and slogans such as “freedom, peace” or “We are here, we are loud, because you are stealing our freedom” have shaped the image of the train as it struggled tirelessly over the hot Asphalt. With many small children, the mittrommelten part. The passers-by on the edge of the tübingen street survived, some were clapping, smiling, many shook their heads in disbelief.

halfway shoots, then suddenly the owner of a jewelry business in front of your door. “It’s your fault that our economy is going down the drain. Sad how stupid humanity is“ contrary to calls Iris Adamo the protesters from the steps of your business. The Mitsechzigerin is angry with the “levity” with which the protesters sit others of a new infection. “People need boundaries, because they do only what they want to, not ignore but, what you must.”

Demo Talk Vaccination, 5G, virus to be harmless and “totalitarian policy”

The police, at least at any point during the entire Demonstration, only later, at the Bottom of the castle garden, the reminder comes during the event, a minimum distance of 1.5 metres between groups of up to 20 people to comply with. The temperature climbs to 15 clock on the 33-degree mark, the participants mainly in the shade of the tree groups, which are not sufficient, however, for all of you.

Michael Ballweg, Initiator of the “lateral thinking-711” and the official Demo organizers in Stuttgart and in Berlin, last week, announced at the start that he will file a declaratory action with the administrative court in Berlin against the police arranged on the resolution of the Berlin Demo. He also announces that he is inviting the ruling, Berlin’s mayor Michael Müller, and US President, Donald Trump for the next Demo to Berlin at the end of August.

According to Ballweg, who wants to run in the forthcoming local elections as the mayor, a colorful bouquet of speakers, the Highness on the stage. An Ex-COP, an Ex-army Lieutenant and others who talk a lot about freedom, and in particular the life without mask, Hygiene, unnecessary Vaccination, and alleged dangers of 5G networks, or a “totalitarian policy” to speak or indicate that you want to have in Germany identified.

As a surprise guest, a Ex-national soccer player Thomas Berthold presents:. The 55-year-old Ex-National and VfB Stuttgart player is the sign of pride as a supporter of “lateral thinking-711” and admits that he had “lost confidence in the political leadership of the country”. In spite of the rising number of new infections and the gradual return of the children in the schools Berthold, keeps five-place reference to an internal record at the VfB says, “that each of you can decide yourself, whether he puts on a mask, or leaves the home”.

concern for balanced information

a more Differentiated and cautious Conny, a music teacher, argued as early as the 50. She was not at all a “Corona-Leugnerin,” she says. You know that the Virus was dangerous. “In the case of children Wearing the masks, which makes no sense, because they transmit the Virus, as you initially thought. “It is much more effective, the classrooms always ventilate well. The Organisation of teaching has become because of the current distance and the mask rules is very difficult. If this continues, then we can’t address soon even.“ However, there are plenty of virologists who see no evidence that children had less infectious than adults.

read more about the Coronavirus in the Live Ticker of FOCUS Online.

What has driven Conny and her companion Ulrich Class to the “lateral thinkers”-Demo to look at, is a great deal of uncertainty about the disease and a possible vaccination, which come from the government. “We believe it is too little time to Test, also with regard to possible side effects.” And also the rhetoric of the government from the point of view of the two fear-fuelling, kidding you. “Constantly, it means that these Demos led to new Hotspots and irresponsible to be so contractually. But where that’s occurred so far, really?“

Pointedly masks placed

Hans-Georg and Brigitte Fischler, however, can do anything with the constant Call of the protesters for freedom and peace. “I think the Younger ones could take a little more consideration to the society,” says Hans-Georg Fischler, 81. His wife looks no different: “in the Meantime, we can enjoy very many of the Corona limited freedoms.

what do you Worry, however, is a new second wave. “If that comes, then it goes off only properly. And then these protesters, the call for their freedom will lose, even more than before.“ For precisely this reason, adds Brigitte Fischler, had she and her husband set up also demonstrative of the masks. “So the protesters can’t see that we are in agreement – although we are normally on the road no mask!”

understanding and misunderstanding in a

Karen Sternberg, which also operates in tübingen on the road a fashion accessory and jewelry business, has understanding for many of the protesters. “A whole bunch of them are my customers, and I can have many of their parts.” You also understand the anger that the corona demonstrations would now of extremists infiltrated.

warns However, given the risk of a second wave also against too much freedom of movement. “Through the first Lockdown in the Easter weeks, two of the most important income months of the year are lost to us. Now, if in the fall but the second wave comes, then many shops will die permanently.“ The accusation, to be with debt to the Corona of the protesters then Willy-nilly put up with it. Corona seems to forget that in Spite of Bathing in a rainwater retention basin FOCUS Online/Wochit Corona storm Berlin seems to forget: Despite ban on Bathing the Berlin storm in a rain retention basin