In a guest post for the “daily mirror”, said the former foreign Minister and SPD Chairman, that such conflicts were not new. With the presidency, Donald trump would have changed, but the basic values of the United States. This would make the relationship between Germany and the United States to a severe test.

Angela Merkel was one of those to make the case against trump’s attitude and for multilateralism, the UN and the universal values of the West. The consequence of this: “The Chancellor is to be humiliated,” said Gabriel. This includes, among other things, the unannounced troop reductions in Germany, or even the threat of Sanctions include. dpa/Britta Pedersen/dpa-Central picture/dpa In a guest article, writes Ex-SPD chief Gabriel about the difficult relationship between Germany and the USA.

criticism from German politics

From the German policy, there are other critical voices to these measures, the United States. The Green commented group chief Katrin Göring-Eckardt of the planned withdrawal of troops as neither in the interest of Nato and the United States. Trump putting that on the transatlantic relationship solid.

Above all, the sanctions against North Stream 2 many see as a definitive Crossing of a red line and demand a clear attitude of the Federal government.

U.S. President Donald Trump criticized Nord Stream 2 for years. He accuses Germany to leave the military in front of Russia, to protect, to give Moscow but at the same time, high revenues from gas exports.

U.S. senators of the German port city of

critics threaten to throw him to the Pipeline only to prevent more American liquefied natural gas in Europe to sell.

The U.S. senators Ted Cruz, Tom Cotton, Ron Johnson, had threatened on Wednesday in a Letter to the port of Sassnitz-Mukran with severe punitive measures: “The members of the management Board, senior employees and shareholders of port of Sassnitz GmbH shall be prohibited from entry into the United States, and any property or any Ownership that you have in our jurisdiction will be frozen.” The port plays a Central role in the construction of Nord Stream 2 and also relates to Angela Merkel, he is, but in the constituency of the Chancellor.

outrage after open U.S. threat

German politicians are outraged. “These threats are absolutely unacceptable. Germany can decide for itself where and how it obtains its energy,“ criticized the state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania Prime Minister Manuela Schwesig (SPD).

Also the Chairman of the Eastern Committee of German economy Oliver Hermes, said: “The recent threatening letter to the three US senators against a German infrastructure company in the city and country are involved, is an unprecedented process.” It is in no way acceptable, that the American deputies to a German company, “not threaten them with the financial and economic Ruin, if it yields to the demands of the United States. This is like a blackmail.“

Further, it means, among other things, the parliamentary Manager of the SPD group in the Bundestag, Schneider, the threats would have “a whole new, unacceptable political quality.” The AfD is even talk that the United States is acting “as an occupation power”.

Gabriel: Trump is ready, the old alliances, abandon

In his guest article in the “Tagesspiegel” writes Gabriel, in the past it would have, despite all the conflicts, the Central Alliance of the “West” is given.

  • read also: guest post by Gabor Steingart – relationship with Germany shattered: US are the loneliest protection of the world

Donald Trump makes is now the first American President, was willing, the old alliances to give up. Since this was the point where the USA was the powers of the other world, such as China, the Soviet Union or Russia to advance, they would Trump that, contrary to his choice to Make America Great Again, promise “to”, in fact, the international Power of the States to reduce.

Trump: alliances as obstacles to his policy initiatives

The reason for trump’s behavior, Gabriel sees that the ideas of the West as well as the resulting alliances were “simply no matter”. “He looks at best as an obstacle to his political initiatives, and probably even as an opponent,” the Ex-SPD chief in his contribution for the “daily mirror”.

Even under a US-President Joe Biden, Gabriel doubted, that the variety and also the sharpness of the conflict between Germany and the USA would be dissolved. Too strong for the American, but also European doubts as to the fundamental question of whether we in the 21st century. Century need – and whether an Alliance between Europe and the United States would serve the national and global interests.

  • also read: Controversial Pipeline in the Baltic sea – United States is threatening the port on the island of Rügen with sanctions and make Merkel constituency

bull heat on the weekend: Where midnight is still far above 20 degrees Celsius prevail PCP bull heat on the weekend: Where midnight is still far above 20 degrees C
