On January 2, 1982, Danièle Gilbert is 38 years old. It begins, without knowing it, his second career : that of eternal aspiring for a return to television. Four decades as it lasts. Not a back without as you mention his name or make application. However, his hopes were always disappointed. At the turn of the years 2000, the former star of the tv according to its time of arrival. After eight weeks on a farm, filmed 24 hours on 24, Danièle Gilbert sees his popularity (re)to skyrocket. She begins to dream. In vain. The tv does not remember, except for him to tell the environment the turning point of may, 1981.

Queen of the mid-day, the facilitator was one of the first victims of the socialist revolution. For thirteen-year-old Danièle Gilbert has accompanied the French during the lunch hour. Everything started in 1967. An announcer at the ORTF in Clermont-Ferrand – this detail will be important, the facilitator made his debut on the national stage every Saturday between noon and 13 hours. His square blond, his smile in any event and a real ease to the animation the spend as the new star of the small screen. Danièle Gilbert going during the week, and launches Midi Magazine with Jacques Martin – who finds him the nickname of the Great Duduche. The principle is simple : every day at noon, Gilbert and his band settled in a provincial town, welcome the gratin cultural and entertains up to 10 million viewers. After Jacques Martin, Pierre Bellemare, accompany him in his wanderings. In 1975, it is the glory : there, that only the commands of the issuance of mid-day that will make his reputation : Midi First.

Grande Duduche, not Great Nunuche

Portrait of Danièle Gilbert, in may 1976. © JEANNEAU, MICHEL/SIPA / SIPA / JEANNEAU MICHEL/SIPA

At 32 years old, native of Auvergne mastered to perfection the management of direct and its hazards. A play-back missed ? No problem, the facilitator connects and reassures the artist is embarrassed by his performance failed. A crowd-invasive ? No problem, the presenter asserts his authority and puts everyone out of square. It must not be confused with Grande Duduche with Great Nunuche. Midi first is a show travelling ambitious. This is the caravan of the Tour de France every day. After this “shoot” of happiness, viewers can find another gay luron : Yves Mourousi. Claude François, Sheila, Mireille Mathieu, Serge Gainsbourg, Michel Sardou… They will do all the pioneering program of TF1, which, moreover, is not confined to the stars of the showbiz – Raymond Aron, for example, is the guest of Midi First in march 1977. On July 9, 1975, Valéry Giscard d’estaing, then president of the Republic, is interviewed by Daniel Gilbert and praises the merits of his dog. “At the Elysée, I have always had dogs. I have never met a human being who, when I come back, jump with such joy. “The young woman drinks the word presidential. Two years ago, he was the minister of Georges Pompidou when he was allowed a solo accordion in front of a Daniel Gilbert blissful admiration.

“Midi Première”, with Valery Giscard d’estaing and Michel Delpech. © T. F. 1-COLLECTIONS/T. F. 1-REY/SIPA / SIPA

It must be said that the two have in common the Puy-de-Dome – Giscard has been mayor of Chamalières… Gilbert appreciates the future president of the Republic, and said so publicly. In 1974 and in 1981, it is part of his support committee. Daniel Gilbert does not take too much risk : T is widely favorite for the presidential election of 1981, and the polls predict a re-election assured. The campaign of a candidate UDF is derailed ; the business catch up ; its image is deteriorating ; Chirac brings him the coup de grace. And that was not supposed to happen, happened : “the man of the past “beats” the man in a passive, ” François Mitterrand is elected. The shock is tough for the leaders of public television. The broom socialist can begin. Old heads are cut off. In theory, Danièle Gilbert does not risk anything : its viewing figures, although in slight decline, is still important and the facilitator remains a popular figure.

Daniel Gilbert , in the company of Gérard Lenorman, January 5, 1987, during the show “Since you’re home”. © GEORGES BENDRIHEM / AFP


It must be always wary of certainties. The decision falls at the end of 1981 : Midi First is stopped by the An. The last broadcast took place on January 1, 1982. Funny date for this Midi Last… all the more that, contrary to his habit, the program was recorded a week before. “We don’t understand so why we were asked to leave and that we have nothing after “, she had explained two days earlier, the tear in the eye. “In 1982, I was shown the door when the success was there. If I had wanted to beat me, it would not have happened like that, but I don’t know to beg. I need the desire of the other, to analyse it in 2019. If the penalty had come from the public, I would have been very unhappy. There, it was a decision from above, extraprofessionnelle. “Its proximity to the former power has been fatal, even if, from the side of TF1, it was contended that thirteen years of Danièle Gilbert, it is good enough, and that it is necessary to move on to something else. Another thing, this will be day Visitors, a program branchouille and a bit pretentiously presented by Anne Sinclair, whose sympathies with the Rose are known.

The issuance brainy contrasts with the popular program of the past : the hearings are catastrophic and the issue ends in the midst of the general indifference five months later. “I would like to continue the policy of alternating current on TF1 and put fourteen years of Daniel Gilbert, six months, Anne Sinclair, fourteen years of Daniel Gilbert, six months, Anne Sinclair “, gently poking fun at Pierre Desproges when the last Visitors of the day. The alternation will not come, and, although often copied, and rarely unmatched (except for the Village departure of Laurent Luyat during the Tour de France), Midi First will never be delivered to the antenna.

“we need to live with hope,” said Daniel Gilbert in his last. The hope makes live, of course, but don’t pay the bills. Weaned of emission, that occurs in supermarkets or fairs exhibitions. This is not the glory, but it nourishes. Then we see a pose in his little outfit in the magazine to Him. It is cause, but not call the producers. It touts a magical ring that sends him to court for fraud and false advertising. We do better as a tool of promotion. However, the facilitator needs to keep the smile and good mood when it is received on the boards to discuss his hours of glory. The tv likes to be cruel. Its returns are often advertised, rarely verified. And, when they occur, they result in catastrophic failures or bad luck – it is back on TF1 with Pierre Bellemare in Since you are at home in 1987, but does not survive privatisation. The years pass, the number of channels increases, but the visibility of The Great Duduche is non-existent. The Farm Celebrities, the reality tv powerful (and entertaining) for TF1, it reopens the doors to the general public.

For eight weeks, we see it every day fussing in the barn, play the grannies cake and make the moral lesson to rascals like Eve Angeli. The good audiences of the program – nearly 7 million viewers – the challenge in the saddle. She made new covers and trays. She pulls out a disk. But nothing : Danièle Gilbert recovers no box, no major role. We see it in the theatre, where she takes to the stage for her show as mythical as if it was inseparable from such a program. The producers do not like to look for noon at 14 hours… In 1984, with a full crossing of the desert, she had published a book called I will come back. Easier to write than to do…

Next episode : Thierry Roland expelled from TF1

previous Episodes :

Jacques Martin, the deposed emperor

PPDA-Chazal : and TF1 decided to divorce the star couple

Dorothy, lost youth

Yves Mourousi, the splendors and miseries of the presenter of JT

Patrick Sabatier, the former” advantage heart ” of the household

Consult our folder : The indéboulonnables clarified PAF