According to Interhyp, Germany’s largest intermediary of private mortgage lending, the interest rates of ten-year loan in July of about 0.8 percent to about 0.7 percent in August. In the case of the Top providers to more favorable conditions were still possible.

Thus, the interest rates are currently near all-time low in March 2020. The continuing economic uncertainty and the monetary policy actions of the Central banks had a further dampening effect on the amount of Interest.

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“Who is planning a construction or purchase, benefits in financing from a historically very low level,” explains Mirjam Mohr, Interhyp Board member for the private client business, with the current data.

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Many experts expect a rapid increase in Interest rates

those interested do not need to hurry though: The favourable level of interest rates will remain, according to the experts, for the time being. The show a current survey among the experts of ten German financial institutions. The most to expect for the coming months remains favourable financing conditions. 30 percent of respondents see it differently and expect the increases to the annual or half-year period.

Low mortgage rates are fueling demand for real estate

The low interest rates, according to the intermediary to a high demand for real estate and Finance. “A lot of people involved in the corona of a crisis with their own housing situation, this leads in combination with the low mortgage rates that the property comes into view,” said the expert Mohr.

Who is currently planning a real estate financing, should be from the point of view of Mohr on two important factors:

  • the interest rate level in a long time
  • write a high initial eradication of at least three percent select

Flexible products allow adjustments

in Addition, the expert credit advises borrowers to agree on options for repayment rate of exchange. The allow borrowers to prepare for the changing revenue situations, or construction delays, says expert Mohr. Heat in Germany: 37 degrees is hot – then rain and Thunderstorms dpa heat come out strong in Germany: 37 degrees is hot – then rain and Thunderstorms

come strong Here and more on the topic of finances, read:

  • Helena stone house protects Hartz-IV-recipients prior to the sanctions. With your club “sanction-free” places for the Affected opposition, and are demanding the money in the extreme case. During the crisis, has changed its task, however. In the struggle against Hartz IV: Helena stone house families in crisis 23,000 euros
  • gives A new study shows that The Corona-crisis, the banks – especially savings banks and cooperative banks has brought in trouble. You to credit losses in the billions by insolvent corporations threaten, thus you could get in Existenznot. The credit institutions appease, however. A banking crisis lurks – and it is especially true of savings banks and people’s banks
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