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What is the car of coffee with a residential house boat? You can both buy it at Tchibo. In fact, the group that once started as a pure coffee merchant, now a mix of Caravan, i.e. a caravan, and buy a house boat.

the boat is Built but not by Tchibo itself, but by the Deutsche Composite GmbH. How the whole thing should work? The “Departure One”, the Name of the mixing vessel, can be used on a trailer like a conventional trailer. It leaves you in a lake of water, it is to the house boat, driven by a Motor. Inside, the boat should have several sleeping places, a kitchen, a toilet and a shower and a sun deck on the roof. Product image So the Whole thing looks, if the boat is on the trailer.

Floating Tchibo-residential Motor and steering system car: not included in the basic price

What is the cost? The “cheap” variant of the Asphalt-water combo with seven meters in length, for five persons, including a trailer for 99.998 Euro. The one Meter long Version for up to six people costs € 10,000 more. Note: the Motor and the steering system are not yet included in the price.

Tchibo promises online a price advantage of up to 7.217 Euro and a 1000-Euro voucher that could be used on the engine and accessories credit. On top of that, there should be a fully-automatic coffee machines and two kilograms of coffee. So the circle closes.

After the furnace-like heat of the Storm: hail, Gale-force winds and up to 60 litres of rain at the weekend, a PCP coming To furnace-like heat of the Storm: hail, Gale-force winds and up to 60 litres of rain coming on the weekend
