The gardener-in-chief of the park of the château de Versailles and the national estate of Trianon, Alain Baraton, the acknowledges that : he has a passion for old trees. “I talk to them regularly, and I try to defend it,” he said on Europe 1 on Monday 10 August. In this capacity, he is indignant that the ancient trees are not the subject of a protection established by the law, as for the historical monuments. “Today, in France, the trees are not protected by the law. Did you know that an ancient tree, even older than 2 000 years, is not protected by the law ? ” he insists, leaves them at the mercy of those who wish to cut off. “It is truly outrageous “, takes Alain Baraton

” Did you know that trees are the oldest living on the planet are between the ages of about 9 000 years ago ? (…) Don’t you think that these trees deserve, in the same way that the pyramids, to be protected ? “argues the gardener-in-chief, who explains that in France” continues to be abused, it continues sometimes to cut them down to bullshit “.

also Read “Non-battlefield” #10 The trees wounded in the Vosges

A olivier 2,000-year-old

Alain Baraton tries to make a horse battle, but the face of indifference : “you Are always answers that there are other priorities. (…) You replied that the tree is a living being and that as such he is called to die, and it can be difficult to classify what is mortal. “

” the oldest tree in France is an olive tree. He lives on the commune of Roquebrune-Cap-Martin. It is between the ages of 2 000 years. Do you know, you, a monument in France that is over the age of 2 000 years ? ” asks Alain Baraton. In Paris, the tree, the older is on the side of the Notre-Dame cathedral, in the square René-Viviani : this is an acacia tree 400 year old, planted under Henri IV.

writing will advise you

EXCLUSIVE. The new call of the forest by Peter Wohlleben