In many German länder the summer tend to be holiday, the end and the closer the start of School gets, the greater the fear of a renewed spread of the Coronavirus, with whole school classes as Hotspots.

in order To prevent such a development, declared, for example, North Rhine-Westphalia recently, a General mask is compulsory for students in the classroom to introduce. Brandenburg started on Monday, first with a voluntary mask duty.

In Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, where the school already has started, and already, last week, two schools in the corona due to the prompt had to close, a mask is compulsory for all students from the fifth class outside of the classroom.

And also in Bavaria, and debate: with or without the mask? Criticism comes in the free state by the President of the Bavarian teachers Association (BLLV), Simone Fleischmann. They warned that teaching was with the mask “not a normal class,” and negative consequences in the social and emotional area for children could lead to.

Swedish studies: to let schools open was the right decision,

all the people from the virus-plagued Sweden, two of the studies, these measures come into question now. Because in the Land of Laissez-Faire policies have remained day-care centres and schools up to 10. Class in the past few months, permanently open, on the school day hardly anything has changed – apparently without major impact on the infection to happen in the country.

A comes from the Karolinska Institute (KI) in Stockholm. There, the researchers investigated all cases of children who had to be treated with a Corona infection in the Stockholm area. Only 63 cases were registered. With around a population of 514,000 children around 24 per cent of all Swedish children live in the capital region. Johan Nilsson/TT News Agency/Reuters Sweden has chosen a liberal path through the Corona of a pandemic. A Lockdown there was not.

Accordingly, the positive, the conclusion of the study is: “There has been a very low number of disease cases in children, in spite of the open day-care centres and schools.“ The Swedish exceptionalism did the infection happen, even in comparison to other countries, with closed schools, not worse, it means more.

see also: Corona-a debate in the Live-Ticker – Virus-crisis-live: the Numbers are rising again – Söder gives PK to further action

a similar result has also a joint study of the two Swedish health authorities, the infection numbers of Swedish children with those of the neighbouring country, Finland, were compared. For the age group between 0 and 19 years of age, therefore, until the middle of June, 584 cases in Finland, and 1,124 in Sweden have been counted.

Per 100,000 inhabitants corresponds to the 49 cases in Sweden and 52 in Finland, with the crucial difference that the government in Helsinki, all the schools from the 18. March to 13. May close made. As a result, the authors of the study, doubts the effect of school closures to mitigate the pandemic. Children only played “a small role in the spread of the Virus”.

Virus in Sweden: What do the results mean for Germany?

In Germany, experts estimate the situation more explosive. Is still in discussion, what is the danger of children present at the time of Transmission of the Virus to adults. Several studies showed that child particles of at least the same viral load – the number of Virus in the blood of infected patients – have as adults.

In an Interview with “time” urges the Secretary-General of the German society for child and adolescent medicine, Burkhard Rodeck, for caution in the context of the forthcoming school openings: “of Course, children can transmit the Virus. And, of course, a small child can connect his grandfather, who then dies of the consequences. But the fear that it could happen does not justify, the lives of the children really restrict, by keeping them away more generally from the kindergarten or the school.“

society for Virology calls for preventive measures

the society for Virology has expressed in a recent opinion, critical to the discussion of school openings in Germany: “We warn against the idea that children play no role in the Pandmie and in the Transmission,” says the three-page paper, which was signed among others by the chief virologist of the Berlin Charité Christian Drosten under.

the Lack of prevention and control measures could result in a short time outbreaks, and then re school closing force payments. An under-estimation of the transfer of hazards to schools would be counterproductive for the child Well-being and the recovery of the economy.

The researchers argue, therefore, for a mask mandatory in all grades. To Express the specific processes in the school life of the scientists themselves. So fixed small groups, including teaching staff should be defined, so as to achieve minimal mixing of the groups during the school day. Lessons could be widely distributed by small groups over different times of Day and days of the week. Digital solutions with a Mix of classroom lessons and home-work units could provide additional opportunities to relieve spatial capacities, the report says.

Which way is preferable is hard to say. If the results of the Swedish studies fail to validate, it will show in a few weeks, namely, when on 24. August for nearly 1.7 million Swedish students, as usual, the lesson begins. In the PCP In the