on Tuesday, August 11, Jimmy Lai, the media mogul in hong kong arrested the day before during a police operation in the name of a law of security imposed by China, was eventually released on bail that day, as assured by a journalist of the Agence France-Presse. Jimmy Lai is the head of the tabloid pro-democracy Apple Daily, a popular hong Kong. It emerged free of a commissioner of police of hong Kong at around midnight (16 hours GMT). A good number of supporters were present to applaud her.

Read also In hong Kong, the arrest of Jimmy Lai bury the freedom of the press

The agence France-Presse reveals, furthermore, that Agnes Chow has also been released. Figure pro-democracy, was arrested Monday on behalf of the national security act, and subsequently released on bail on Tuesday. Agnes Chow, 23 years old, is from a generation of activists in hong kong fighting for the respect of the democratic values that have earned their stripes in politics as a teenager and that Beijing now wants to silence them. It is under the eye of cameras that this leading figure of the movement for democracy is output handcuffed Monday evening in his apartment, taken away by police officers belonging to the new unit in charge of national security.

“I urge the authorities to stop the prosecution of political ridiculous”

It is one of the first political personalities belonging to the opposition have been arrested for ” collusion with foreign forces “, a fact liable to prison sentences. “I urge the authorities to stop the prosecution of political ridiculous “, she told the press Tuesday, just after his release on bail. This is the last fight as of the date delivered by this activist against the leaders of the chinese communist regime and their representatives in hong Kong. The political commitment of this young woman, who grew up in a catholic family apolitical has started its 15 years. She then decides to join a movement of young people protesting against the projects intended to implement a “moral education and national” in the public schools. These students feared that this plan opens the way to an educational policy subject to stringent conditions, such as in mainland China. To make their voices heard, they have organized huge sit-in. In the Face of such a mobilization, the government of hong kong has come back. It is during these events that she met another teenager, Joshua Wong, has since become a figure of the movement for democracy in hong Kong.

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In the streets of hong Kong : “China is a monster, wake up ! “Hong kong : the freedom to act outside the law