“know Who did this?” – this is a question on a Saturday night (20: 15/The First one) among other prominent Guests of the festival such as Elyas M’barek, Jürgen Vogel, Axel Prahl, Jan Josef Liefers, Anna Loos and punch star Vanessa may. The new episode was not recorded, however, it is a repetition from the year 2018.

“Who knows that? XXL” in the Live-Stream see – so s:

  • is “Who knows that? XXL”: Live Stream of the ARD “Who knows that? XXL” with Waipu (display) to view

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back In “Who knows that?” is about science, the animal world and the daily lives

“Who knows that? XXL” to get it to do the Celebrities with questions of science, the animal world and the daily life, the behind the interactive game wall with twelve different categories to hide. The correct answers are reversed in the original grossing movies or the amazing experiments in the Studio.
In three rounds of play, the prominent members of the order to Cash for the Studio audience. At the end of the profit is divided among the spectators who have opted for the more successful team,.
In the subsequent final, the lucky winner of the first three rounds and give it all to earn 50,000 euros for a good purpose.

bull heat on the weekend: Where midnight is still far above 20 degrees Celsius prevail PCP bull heat on the weekend: Where midnight is still far above 20 degrees C

(Text: ARD)
