With just 143 words announced Toshiba in a short press release, the complete withdrawal from the Laptop business. Toshiba pulls back after 35 years out of the Laptop market. In June 2020 19.9 percent of the company’s share of the PC and Notebook division, Toshiba Client Solutions to the Foxconn, a subsidiary of Sharp, explains the company in a short Statement.

Toshiba computers disappear from the PC market

Now the Deal is completed and approved. Toshiba has abdicated! The remaining 80.1 percent of the company that had been Sharp in June 2018. The Deal is said to have brought a Toshiba about four billion Yen, the equivalent of 31 million Euro.

In January 2019, the Toshiba Client Solutions was renamed the Dynabook. Also for the new range of Sharp Laptops and PCs, this is the Name that is used now. The prestigious computer brand Toshiba is now to disappear completely from the market.

introduced As the Toshiba in 1985, its first portable calculator, many were amazed. Remarkable price and features were. Only 1.999 US Dollar, the Toshiba Dynabook T1110 cost at the time. For comparison: The IBM PC is a Portable Personal Computer (IBM 5155) from the year 1983 at a cost of 4.225 dollars. With the small price Toshiba wanted to introduce the first “mass-market Laptop computer”.

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The technical equipment could be also: customers received a portable PC with rechargeable and internal battery (the batteries were Standard), and an LCD screen that could display 80×25 Text and 640×200 CGA graphics.

tip: The best Laptops and Notebooks, here you will find in the CHIP-best list.

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The article first appeared in CHIP.de.
