The basics of homemade ice cream-roles:

  • Technical requirements

ice cream-Teppanyaki: are These available in two variants. The simple Version of ice cream-Teppanyaki plates, which must be cooled 24 hours before use in a freezer at -20 °C deep. The advantage of this variant is that the plates are very large and often with all sorts of accessories in the Set are available. In addition, this variant offers the low price. Christian publisher/Ralf Niemzig

are Considerably more expensive professional devices, which are commercially available. They are equipped with compressors, temperatures of up to -25 °C can produce. The Problem is that these devices have a lot of space and the price is in the four digit range.

in Addition, you will need: two large stainless steel spatula, for example, the grill spatula is a kitchen tongs to the Eisrollen Pick up a measuring Cup or ice cream scoop spray bottles for the bottling of the sauces. Book tip (display)

“Rolled Ice Cream – The coolest recipes” by Keywan low-Strasser and Yeshe Wolfsen, appeared in Christian publishing. 96 pages, paperback, 12.99 euros. Here you can read an excerpt from it.

To the book at Amazon

  • technique of ice-roles

step 1: ingredients, select.

step 2: The Premix select (recipe follows in the next block of text).

step 3: If ingredients are used that are in larger pieces, such as pastries or large fruits, chop them up roughly. Then all the ingredients are hill-like on the sheet of ice lay. With the help of the spatula, the upright hacked criss-cross in the ingredients the ingredients on the plate crushing. By pressing the ingredients pushed Together and the hack direction of Change all shred fine, and mix. Finally, the ingredients mix thoroughly once again. Christian publisher/Ralf Niemzig

step 4: The mass is spread as a rectangular thin layer on the plate. As soon as the mass is frozen, is pushed together in a corner of the long side of the rectangle, starting again and again with a spatula wide strip of the frozen ground slowly. Make sure that the spatula can be pushed to Roll at an angle of about 45 degrees, so that the mass rolls up well. Christian publisher/Ralf Niemzig

The finished Ice Cream Rolls on the plate side between the bearings until all the Rolls are shaped. A standard serving is 5 Ice Cream Rolls. It is important to find the right time for the Roll up. The mass may not be liquid, on the other hand, you should not be too hard frozen. The feeling for the right moment requires a bit of experience.

step 5: With the help of the kitchen tongs, the Ice Cream Rolls standing upright in the prepared mug and top with the prepared ingredients for the garnish to complete. Christian publisher/Ralf Niemzig

  • Premix prepare for 10-12 servings à 5 Ice Cream Rolls

Classic: 250 g icing sugar, 1 l milk (3.5% fat content), 250 ml of liquid cream (30 % fat), 1 TBSP. carob seed flour, 1 pinch of salt.

adding The icing sugar in a mixing bowl seven and the milk and the cream. With a hand blender the ingredients mix well, but not too long to mix, because the cream should not be beaten until stiff. Then, quickly, the carob flour and the salt, mix. The mixture is covered then leave in the fridge for about 10 minutes to rest.

vanilla: 1 vanilla bean, 1 l whole milk (3.5% fat content) 250 g icing sugar, 250 ml of liquid cream (30 % fat), 1 TBSP. carob seed flour, 1 pinch of salt.

The vanilla pod with a sharp knife the length, scrape out after the slit and the Mark. The milk with the Pod and the pulp into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Then the pot to Cool down and infuse for 20 minutes, set aside. The vanilla pod, then remove. The powdered sugar in a tall mixing bowl seven and the vanilla milk and the cream. With a hand blender the ingredients mix well, but not too long to mix, because the cream should not be beaten until stiff. Then, quickly, the carob flour and the salt, mix. The mixture then cover and leave in the refrigerator for about 10 minutes to rest. Using a simple house by means of you can cool your drink in just two minutes