72 hours of streamed Rapper Sido and Influencer Jens Knossalla live from your “fishing camp with Knossi and Sido”. Together with celebrity friends, including the singer, Pietro Lombardi, you have been fishing in July on the river Havel in Brandenburg and the Event on the platform, “Twitch” transfer.

the way how the participants are with the fishing deal may have violated animal protection laws, says the animal rights organization Peta, the “image”. A technical officer of the organization accused of Sido, “to have fish as a toy” is used.

Peta is relying on § 1 of the animal protection act, which States that no one of pain to an animal without reasonable cause, Suffering or injury may inflict.

carp are at Sidos fishing action has been violated.

The group had after the fishing technique of “Catch and Release” carp was caught and released. As a result, the fish had to suffer injury due to the fishing hook, as well as a significant lack of oxygen to the country, says Peta. “For example, an angel tore the line out of the rod and a carp was hooked on a 150-Meter-long, floating in the water-cord,” said Peta biologist Tanja Breining. The allegations of the animal rights organisation: suspected betting fish, Posing with the fish in front of the camera, and fishing without reasonable cause or for advertising purposes.

What it wants to achieve Peta with a lawsuit against Sido

not voiced by the creators of The broadcast have yet to the allegations. The consequences of ad are still unclear. Peta spokesman Edmund oat Beck said to “RTL”, that Peta expect a quick Action by the public Prosecutor, since the evidence is clear. Such an Event will then can no longer take place.

Online, the “fishing camp” a great success. With more than 300,000 spectators, the creators cracked the record of the streaming platform Twitch, which was before nearly 200,000 spectators.

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