is The volume of traffic on the A7 between Schnelsen-Nord and the Elbe tunnel is particularly high: Here’s a jam from 14 kilometres in length, prevailed, according to the Hamburg-based traffic control centre against 15 a.m. and the close to 30 degrees outside temperature. Also in the opposite direction it looks much better: Between house breaking and Stellingen, the Central ten kilometers floor, pending traffic.

Hamburg,: – kilometre-long traffic jams on the A7 motorway

Also on the A1, car drivers between the motorway junction Hamburg-Ost and Billstedt up for lunch in a traffic jam: the direction of the South of the dam, reaching a length of four kilometers. The situation had calmed down in the meantime, however, the spokesperson of the traffic control center.

This may also interest you: heat wave in the North: the rules and prohibitions when grilling: Here it is particularly strict

patience must have drivers currently on the A1 at the “Maschener Kreuz”: As between Hittfeld and Horster triangle, a bridge is replaced, traffic will be routed via “Maschener Kreuz”. The full closure since Saturday morning at 5 o’clock until Monday morning. (mhö)

*The post “Full motorway and heat wave: kilometers-long traffic jams on the A1 and A7 in Hamburg”, published by Mopo. Contact with the executives here.
