It was rarely known Donald Trump so moved. The younger brother of the american president, Robert Trump, died Saturday in New York city, announced the head of State in a press release. “It is with a heavy heart that I announce that my wonderful brother, Robert, died peacefully this night,” says Donald Trump in this press release issued by the White House. “It was not only my brother, he was my best friend,” wrote the president. “His memory will live in my heart forever. Robert, I love you. Rest in peace. “

Robert Trump had been admitted in a hospital in new york, and american media had reported that he was gravely ill, without that provides details on the nature of his illness. The president had visited his brother at the hospital on Friday for about 45 minutes. He had only told the press that his brother lived ” a difficult time “. Although much less famous than his brother, Robert Trump, born in 1948, has long been an integral part of the empire real estate family and it was of absolute loyalty towards the president.

also Read United States : the campaign of Donald Trump, a family affair

“Uncle Robert, we love you”

He had tried in vain to forbid by the court for the publication of a book of his niece Mary Trump describe Donald Trump as the product of a family, ” toxic “. Robert Trump felt that this book to load was “a shame” and had obtained a temporary blocking of its publication, but a judge had lifted the blockade in July.

Donald Trump had often described her brother “wonderful,” stating that they had ” a great relationship since the first day “. Ivanka Trump, daughter and advisor to the president, said Saturday on Twitter : “Uncle Robert, we love you. You are in our hearts and in our prayers, always. “

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