The third wave is here and the Calls after a hard Lockdown again louder: Who is in the spring in a fast relaxations in the fight against the Corona pandemic, it is currently more likely to be disappointed. In terms of vaccinations, progress is slower than I thought, especially since the vaccine AstraZeneca is first administered only in people over 60 years of age.

Boris Palmer: “We don’t weigh risks from”

Younger can therefore only at your own risk vaccinate, the recent decision by the conference of Ministers of Health says it is. On Tuesday evening, Tübingen, Lord mayor Boris Palmer criticized the General vaccine policy and noted: “We do not take risks properly, we weigh them properly.”

The ratio of non-voice, finally, an infection mountains with the Coronavirus is much higher risks than the number of available vaccines. So Palmer also pointed to the mRNA-active ingredient, the tübingen-based company CureVac.

Although the product is not yet officially approved, have Palmer participated already half a year ago as a test subject in a study. His confidence in the vaccine seems to be large, such as a claim Palmers in the ZDF-submit a Talk close.

CureVac vaccine has jumped, according to Palmer, “excellent information”

Palmer for the vaccine with “excellent information” into the breach and said: “I would allow people to volunteer, to the CureVac vaccine access. Who says I want him, him can get.” To set the self-responsibility of the citizen, is the right path, because “people can consider.”

in addition, Palmer raised the question: “Why is it forbidden to the people to make use of a vaccine that has excellent data, because only the bureaucrats still need to check for two months?” Under the current conditions, where the third wave “is going to be bigger, harder, and heavier,” and the Lockdown “deeper”, you should discuss such a move.

Laschet defended vaccination strategy with “increased safety”

Armin Laschet, also a guest in “Markus Lanz”, highlighted the significance of the approval process: “I think it is important to check thoroughly before you allow.” Time is lost, and elsewhere, for example in the UK, is it faster, but: “You have a higher level of security.”

A procedure as in Israel, where the patient data were collected for the vaccinations to be in Germany because of the privacy regulations not possible anyway, as Laschet said. ZDF ‘people can weigh’: mayor calls for CureVac, vaccinations Laschet’s prior approval

Söders proposal AstraZeneca “too far”

Especially in the case of AstraZeneca for members of higher-risk must be ensured groups that you are provided with a safe vaccine, showed the CDU chief. Boy nursery-school teachers and primary school teachers, for whom the risk of side effects in the Wake of the AstraZeneca-vaccination was higher, one cannot say: “Yes, please, your risk”. The go Laschet “too far”.

Thus, the Prime Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia, a very different rhetoric than his counterpart from Bavaria, Markus Söder. The CSU-politician had said to AstraZeneca vaccination on Monday: “Who dares to have the opportunity.” Her big Corona-Advisor

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