Towards possible sanctions for Idrissa Gueye? Like last year, the Parisian midfielder refused to play Saturday with a rainbow flocked jersey, against Montpellier, demonstrating for some, his desire not to be associated with the fight against homophobia. A “refusal” that “could not remain without sanction!” “, commented this Monday on Twitter the president (LR) of the Île-de-France region, Valérie Pécresse.

The players of a football club, and those of PSG in particular, are figures of identification for our young people. They have a duty to set an example. A refusal by Idrissa Gana Gueye to join the fight against homophobia could not remain without sanction! @PSG_inside— Valérie Pécresse (@vpecresse) May 16, 2022

In passing, the unfortunate presidential candidate recalled that the “players of a football club” are “figures of identification for our young people”. “A refusal by Idrissa Gana Gueye to join the fight against homophobia could not remain without sanction! “, she judged, directly challenging the PSG.

While initially appearing in the group called to play, the 32-year-old Senegalese international disappeared from radar a few hours later. Asked about this package, Mauricio Pochettino did not expand but had mentioned “personal reasons” concerning his player. The Argentinian coach, not really comfortable, confirmed that the midfielder was not physically affected.

A refusal that challenges

His refusal to endorse the rainbow jersey could therefore be the main reason for this impromptu absence. The desire for the former Lille resident not to be associated with this cause could be motivated by his religious convictions, as we already mentioned on Sunday. This refusal did not fail to disconcert and sadden several participants in the trip to PSG.

Read also“A sensitive subject”: the absence of Idrissa Gueye during Montpellier-PSG causes great discomfort

Every year, the Professional Football League mobilizes for the World Day Against Homophobia, which takes place on May 17. For the second consecutive season, the clubs were invited to flock the jerseys of their players with rainbow numbers, using the colors of the banner of the LGBT movement.