With resignation but harshly attacking the PP: “They are the blood party.” This is how Carmela Silva, president of the Pontevedra Provincial Council, reacted to the sentence released this Thursday, by the Contentious-Administrative Court number 2 of Pontevedra, which orders the summoning of the extraordinary plenary session of the Provincial Council so that Silva offers explanations for the ‘ sister-in-law case of corruption. Last December, the PP’s request was denied by the provincial entity, but the courts now agree with them. And the also president of the PSdeG, in addition to Abel Caballero’s right-hand man in the Vigo council, sees how the parapet is raised so that she can portray herself for the irregular hiring of her sister-in-law, who ended up with two prison sentences, but from the who refuses to assume any responsibility.

“Since there is a resolution, there will be an extraordinary plenary session to comply with it. And period, ”Silva settled this Friday at a press conference.

But he said much more. At first, when asked about it, she seemed ready to go off on a tangent, but soon she turned her soliloquy towards a string of attacks on the representatives of the PP in the Provincial Council, who the day before had valued the sentence favorable to their interests -a despite the fact that, as Silva underlined, the prosecutor was also opposed to holding the plenary session. The socialist leader defined them as “some ladies and gentlemen overreacting in a pathetic image”, accused them of engaging in “indecent politics”, and came to charge in this way: “The PP (…) has as its objective the destruction of the political adversary, they love blood; They are the party of blood. It’s very sad, I feel sorry.”

In his usual tone, he stated that they are not going to “take away his smile” and challenged: “Let them abandon any possibility that the president of the Provincial Council is going to pay attention to such an indecent way of doing politics.” Not to mention assuming responsibilities -the PP insists that someone had to order her sister-in-law to be hired and paid for a job she did not do- much less resign.

“I could repeat again that this president is irreproachable. She knows everyone. I never went to court, never in my life, not even as a witness. As she already appears in the sentence. I have nothing to explain », she justified, « because there is a sentence where I was neither charged nor investigated nor was I called as a witness; It will be because there was not even an indication of my participation. To this, the PP objects to serious suspicions that the two convicted, a high-ranking official from Vigo and a businessman, remain silent in the hope of not having to go to prison, a pardon through -in the case of the former, as published by ABC, with the collection of support between associations that receive municipal funds.

On the relevance of holding the plenary session, it is shielded that she “does not decide if there are plenary sessions or not”, but that it is “assessed” by law. From there, the head of the Pontevedra court ruled. «I do not share her sentence, but I admit it, because I am a Democrat. I do not even criticize it, not sharing it », she pointed out. It was possible, it must be said, to file an appeal.

But it was to the PP, to attack it, to which he devoted the bulk of his answers. Of the popular ones he assured that they had poured “slander, insults and disqualifications”, “barbarities”, with “absolute grandiloquence” and “an overstaging”. “I feel very sorry (…). The word decency and truth is not part of what they are. That they continue on that path, that we will continue on ours. Others prefer to give press conferences to insult », he indicated, after calling the PP a« party of blood ».

Completing the arsenal of broadsides, Silva affirmed that “he could say” and he did, that the PP, as a “party of corruption”, have a “hard face”, given that -he explained- they come from “knowing that the previous president he is with a sentence of prevarication” and “the EU opened an information for the use of public funds to the previous government of the PP”. Mentions, without naming him, to Rafael Louzán.

“What sadness of people,” Silva closed his diatribe. But there will be an extraordinary plenary session for the ‘sister-in-law case’.