The PSOE has voted against the Non-Law Proposal (PNL) presented by United We Can and ERC in the Congress of Deputies to ask the central government to desist from the north expansion project of the port of Valencia and dismantle the north dike of shelter, since for the socialists “sustainability is not equivalent to self-sufficiency” and “economic development and sustainability are not incompatible”, stated the deputy Vicent Sarrià.

The PNL, presented at the request of the Comissió Ciutat-Port, has had the rejection of PSOE, Cs, PP and Vox and the support of Compromís, ERC, Más País, CUP and Nueva Canarias. Among other points, he called on the central government to desist from the current north expansion project; give up building a new cruise terminal; renounce the expansion of the A-7 (by-pass), the V-30 or the V-31, and, in particular, the north access; and dismantle the north shelter dam.

The parliamentarian of the purple formation Rosa Medel, in her defense of the proposal, has indicated that the project is “very different from the original” and that the environmental impact statement (DIA) it has, from 2007, is “expired” . In addition, she has asserted that “it is nothing more than financing a private company with public money”, in an initiative that “does not add value, only degradation”; that “endangers Valencia”, its orchard, l’Albufera, the beaches and the “quality of life”.

For her part, from ERC, Marta Rosique has affirmed that the project supposes an “aggression towards the Valencian citizens”, to the territory, beaches and orchards, a damage to the quality of the air and a “theft” and “punch”, “this instead of hands of the PSOE». For this reason, she has urged the socialist group to choose the path of ecological transition and not that of “destruction”, because “enlargement cannot make economic growth compatible with respect for the environment, as Ximo Puig says”. “No one expects absolute consistency, but a minimum of consistency,” she added.

On behalf of the PSOE, the deputy Vicent Sarrià has intervened, who has expressed his rejection of the PNL and has maintained that the project to expand the port of Valencia was decided “unilaterally” by the PP in 2006 and that in 2012 the breakwater was completed and “the most relevant part of the project from the environmental point of view was executed.” Although he has acknowledged that at the time he would have “considered more appropriate” the expansion in the port of Sagunt, he has defended that the expansion is “essential”.

In this sense, Sarrià stressed the need for the port to be “competitive and maintain its leadership”, and recalled that more than 200 million euros of public funds have already been invested in the expansion, 75 of them from the EU. Now, he has highlighted, an investment of 1,000 million from the concessionaire is planned, “the largest private port investment for the coming decades”, he has valued. The deputy has said that the objective of the socialists when arriving at the institutions was to “make profitable” the investment “from responsibility”, and they have obtained from the Port Authority the commitment of “sustainability” in its development.

Sarrià has defended the port as a “strategic element” for the Community and has underlined that for the socialists “economic development and sustainability are not incompatible, they are inseparable”. “Sustainability is not equivalent to self-sufficiency or to dismantling at an unaffordable cost one of our main poles of economic development and turning it into a second-class port”, he underlined, before concluding: “no port in the world gives up growth and less commitment to decrease , it is a proposition, no matter how intentional it wants to be, that is not at all assumable and not at all applicable».

From Ciudadanos, María Muñoz, has reproached ERC and United We Can for the use of the term ‘País Valencià’ because, she has insisted, “it only exists in their imaginary”, and has contrasted “two models of society”: “The model of the left nationalist model of poverty and the liberal model of freedom, equality and sustainability. Along these lines, she has accused them of wanting to “kill any hint of economic development” and she has defended infrastructure as a “fundamental asset” on which 40,000 families live.

Likewise, he has reproached Compromís for “withdrawing his signature at the last minute” from the NLP, a practice that, according to sources from the Valencian coalition, is “usual” in the chamber so as not to lose “legislative capacity.” Muñoz asked the deputy for Compromís, Joan Baldoví, his position and “why he works against the interests” of the Community, “if it is an ERC Trojan horse” and “why he puts Valencia at the service of Catalan nationalism” . In the same way, he has asked the ERC to “give up its imperialist desires.”

Joan Baldoví, who began his speech wishing Muñoz to “enjoy himself because he has little left”, recalled the demonstrations against the expansion by the PP’s institutional deputy general secretary, Esteban González Pons, “a dangerous communist”, ironically , of which he has highlighted his “common sense” and courage.

Baldoví has ​​pointed out that Compromís is not only opposed to the stoppage but that last Saturday he presented an alternative project for a “democratic” port at an event in Valencia that “is not decided by a Chinese multinational” but rather by the citizens -and in which also the reversal of enlargement. At this point, the deputy has called Muñoz’s attention for speaking and, according to Baldoví, laughing, and the session has stopped for a few seconds, until it resumed, but not before Baldoví reproached that “the right wing goes to paid schools but education it shines by its absence. “We want a port for everyone, not a port where the PAV sets itself up as an independent taifa and decides for everyone,” he remarked.

On the part of the PP, Belén Hoyo has described the NLP as «surrealist» and has warned that its «only» objective is that the Valencians «shipwreck» and «those who try to interfere in our land and do not point anything there remain afloat». He has criticized Baldoví for making “a tour throughout Spain seeking support to tear down part of the port of Valencia.” “He looks more and more like Tom Hanks in the movie ‘El Náufrago’ because he has only changed Wilson for a rather ridiculous quintet, ERC, CUP, Podemos, Nueva Canaria and Más Madrid.”

Hoyo has assured that the initiative would be a “great setback”, “condemning Valencia to ostracism” and “condemning thousands of families who live in the port”. From Vox, Gil Lázaro -who has started his speech by insisting that the Valencian Country does not exist- has branded Baldoví as “pure troupe” and “doormat of politics, not only of Sanchismo, but also of nationalists.”