More than 30 cultural events will be held at the Francisco Villaespesa Provincial Library, the Provincial Historical Archive, the Alcazaba of Almeria, and the Provincial Historical Archive.

The Historical Archive will present the exhibit ‘The legacy of an imagejournalist: Antonio Sanchez Picon, the Almeria of the 1990’. From June 22 to 22, Taracea’s works will be on display at the Villaespesa Library. In the Museum, the so-called “Piece of the Month” will feature the motto “Contact between Cultures.” Atifle and the jug of Pechina.

La Villaespesa hosts the presentation of the book “Umbilical” by Andres Numan and the collection of poetry “El Bosque”, by Virginia Fernandez Collado in events organized by the Andalusian Centre for Letters. They also plan a theatrical visit at the Ensemble Monumental Alcazaba, based on the book “Tales of the Alcazaba of Almeriafor children,” by Maria Campra.

The Museum of Almeria offers a variety of activities, including storytelling, visits-workshops ‘Emotional Archaeology’ and ‘Sound Museum’, and the workshop The guardians of Los Millares’. This activity is also coordinated by ONCE associates and the activity ‘Diversity and Inclusion’.

The concert ‘Soy Albinoni,’ in collaboration with the Royal Professional Conservatory of Music “Julian Arcas”, will also be performed. A second recital will be held to mark European Music Day. The Kina Jimenez Professional Dance Conservatory will also present a dance show featuring Carlos Perez Siquier.

Conferences on the Andalusian heritage, archaeological reading and the use of that instrument to understand historic buildings complete the cultural program. X-XVII century or maritime archeology in Almeria.

The Museum will have a cinema showing ‘La tia Tula,’ by Juan Diego. On the 7th, the inclusive cinema, which is open to all and aimed at families of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (TEA), hosts the so-called blue cinema’ with the film ’Finding Nemo. The Museum will also host the Plautus-directed theatrical performance, ‘Miles Gloriosus,’ on June 30.

In addition to guided tours of the complex by Alcazaba informants, titled ‘Get to Know your Alcazaba’ will be offered a benefit concert.

For its part, the Andalusian Network for Public Theaters programmed two shows in the province during June. Particularly, “AlfonsoX, las altos cantigas” (ancient love, friend derision and praise) in Vera. Also, “Insolitas servicios in which you would never dance Tango”, by the Real Danza Company in Huercal Overa.

The Andalusian Circuit for Penas Flamencas De pena en pena’ will be added to the program. It will take place in El Ejido and Huercal de Almara, Tabernas, Tabernas, and Berja. Recitals will be given in federated clubs throughout the province by the Andalusian Flamenco institute and the Provincial Federation of Penas Flamencas de Almeria.

Judit Alferez, on June 10th, will perform at Pena A. C. Murgis De El Ejido on guitar and cante. On the 11th, Cristo Heredia will perform on cante at the Pena el Ciegode la Playa Del Huercal in Almeria. Tony Santiago and el Tittilillo will clap on the Pena el Ciegode La Playa de Huercal.

On June 17, Juan de Dios and Rocio Zamora will perform at the Pena Pepe Sorroche in Tabernas. Baldomero Cortes, accompanied by Ramon Rivera on guitar, will perform at Viator’s Pena El Arriero the next day. Finally, Aquilino Garcia will perform at La Retumba, Berja on June 25th, accompanied with Pedro el Funde as cante.