Carnival time in Cottbus. Shortly before the big move, motif car builder Jurek Bukol (Sigi Polap) is found dead in his workshop. A fire not only took his life, but also almost completely destroyed his planned carnival float. Who or what was depicted on it remains a mystery at first. Since the dead man was a Polish citizen, Vincent Ross (André Kaczmarcyk) from the German-Polish Commissariat takes over the case. He is supported by local police officer Alexandra Luschke (Gisa Flake). Their boss Markus Oelßner (Andreas Döhler) turns out to be a real creep and seems to want to slow down the investigation. But does he have anything to do with Bukol’s death? Ross and Luschke ask around the dead man. They question his son Dawid (Niklas Bruhn), his daughter Krystina (Pia-Micaela Barucki), his ex-wife Petra (Julika Jenkins) and other members of the carnival club. They all describe Jurek Bukol as an irascible know-it-all who often clashed with those around him. This also seems to be consistent with the fact that Bukol was convicted of forging documents a few years ago. But Commissioner Ross and his team have more and more doubts as to whether this all really happened.

The film (written by Mike Bäuml and Axel Hildebrand, directed by Christoph Schnee) is primarily driven by the two investigators Vincent Ross (André Kaczmarcyk) and Alexandra Luschke (Gisa Flake). Their first encounter is immediately memorable: Luschke is dancing in the carnival club and is still wearing her skin-tight silver full-body costume when she confronts Ross. He, in turn, shines in a red patent leather coat and with perfectly fitting eyeliner. At first glance, Ross and Luschke seem to have little in common. It’s even nicer to see that they treat each other with respect and on an equal footing. A duo with potential.

In the end, events that almost all lie in the past are crucial to solving the murder. The investigators are constantly researching a case that happened two years ago, which has to be explained in detail and brought home to the viewer. That makes the crime thriller as a whole a bit tough. Only in the last 15 minutes does more dynamism and tension emerge.

Detective Inspector Vincent Ross is assisted in his investigation by the Cottbus police officer Alexandra Luschke and his Polish colleague Karl Rogov (Frank Leo Schröder). Both have already appeared in previous “Polizeiruf 110” episodes. In the future, they will be seen as a trio in changing investigative constellations. The quick-witted Luschke in particular could be a real asset. Would you like a taster? When Rogov is amused by her name – “What’s it called? Lusche? Haven’t we had enough of it yet?” – counters the investigator: “Luschke, Alexandra – and you can never have enough of that.”

It’s worth tuning in to get to know Commissioner Vincent Ross’s new colleagues. Carnival fans also get their money’s worth.

Vincent Ross also investigated these cases: