He finds funny words for a shocking diagnosis. “Hello everyone, my name is Barton Cowperthwaite and I’ve just been diagnosed with a glioma. Essentially I have a large tumor in my right frontal lobe. The doctors so far have said it’s about the size of a lemon and you know, what they say: ‘When life gives you lemons… (get the tumor removed so we can) make lemonade!'” writes Barton Cowperthwaite on his GoFundme page.

The 31-year-old Netflix actor, who became known for the drama series “Your Last Solo,” explains that an operation is urgently necessary and is his only option to get rid of the tumor. The timing of his diagnosis is remarkable for many reasons, Cowperthwaite himself explains. “When I received the diagnosis, I was about to start rehearsals for a great Broadway play. This, of course, came after a pandemic that rocked my industry “, and a strike that postponed a show I was supposed to film over the summer. “Believe me, I find it incredibly ironic that I was diagnosed on the very day the SAG strike ended,” he explains .

He still sees himself and his situation as privileged, and yet the costs of an operation and follow-up treatment are too high for him to get by without help. “Anything we can raise will go toward: medical costs not covered by insurance, rent, groceries, family travel, housing, recovery, PT, rehab, future scans, home care, unexpected costs and more,” he explains his intention behind the fundraising campaign.

Many fans show their sympathy in the comments on his Instagram profile. Others expressed shock that a fundraising campaign was even necessary. “What a country where surgery and treatment for a brain tumor requires a fundraiser. That should be included in a healthcare system!” writes one fan.

A problem in the USA that Cowperthwaite is certainly aware of, but that he himself will not be able to solve. And so he should be happy about the donations coming in: there are now over $50,000.

Source: Instagram / GoFundme