The actress Claudelle Deckert (49) has become a grandmother. As her daughter Romy and she now proudly announce on Instagram, the time had come last Friday. Romy gave birth to a little boy.

“11/10/2023 – From the stomach straight to our heart,” Romy writes about a black and white picture in which her hand, her partner’s hand and her son’s hand can be seen. And she reveals: his name is Charles. “We are full of love, joy and happiness and are enjoying getting to know each other,” she enthuses. Romy also uses hashtags like

In an Instagram story, Claudelle Deckert announced the child’s full name: Charles Dean Deckert. “Charlie, we love you,” she writes in English. The sweet message comes from “Ma” (Mama), “Pa” (Dad) and “Omily” Claudelle.

In the summer, Deckert had already revealed that she was becoming a grandmother for the first time – and how much she was looking forward to it. In June she published a picture with Romy on Instagram. In the photo she is holding her daughter’s stomach as she presents an ultrasound image.

“The anticipation of my grandchild makes my heart jump with joy,” wrote the actress. Among other things, she can hardly wait to “hear the first breath, hold the little hands, smooch the soft feet […] and experience all the other precious moments that lie ahead.” Deckert trusts “that everything will be perfect and in harmony with the larger plan of the universe.”