He already had a certain premonition: On Monday evening, Christian Alt from Munich appeared as a candidate on the RTL show “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?” on. The 33-year-old reported on his job as a podcast producer. “I do a podcast about the big fails in human history. It’s mostly the men who have really stupid ideas and then really fail,” he said. When Günther Jauch asked whether men were usually the bigger idiots, Alt replied: “Always. I hope I’m the exception today.”

Up to the €1,000 question, things went smoothly for him, but he needed the 50:50 joker at €2,000. And that, of all things, when it came to a question about music—although Alt had previously boasted that he constantly annoyed colleagues with his catchy tunes. We were looking for Harry Styles’ first big solo hit. After using the joker, Alt correctly chose “Sign of the Times”.

He needed help again for 8,000 euros. The question read: “Who caused a stir as the victim of a cake attack at the end of May? A: Miss Piggy, B: Angelina Jolie, C: Mona Lisa, D: Hella von Sinnen.” Alt leaned toward the Mona Lisa, but then asked the audience to be sure, and 94 percent confirmed his decision.

Even at 16,000 euros, the Munich player didn’t come up with the right solution on his own. The answer to the following question was sought: “According to the Robert Koch Institute, a vaccination against what is “still not available”? Christian Alt was able to show a chemist as a telephone joker, among other things. “He would do it safely,” believed the 33-year-old. Nevertheless, he decided on the variant of asking someone from the audience Günther Jauch was also confident: “Here they can do it, easy.”

The choice fell on a woman who thought she knew the right answer about the exclusion process. “I have a friend who has been to Africa before and had malaria because he wasn’t vaccinated.” That’s why Christian Alt decided on cholera. But that was wrong.

“You cannot be vaccinated against malaria. There is an oral vaccine against cholera,” explained Günther Jauch. Both the candidate and the woman in the audience looked distressed. For Christian Alt, this meant that he dropped from the 16,000 euro question to 500 euros.

In the end he bore it with composure. His wife, who accompanied him, had already said at the beginning: “He cracked the 500, so we can have a nice meal and have a nice evening.”