She likes to emphasize that she started out “without a green thumb.” Now ex-“Tagesschau” spokeswoman Judith Rakers (48) was awarded the digital prize “The Golden Bloggers” for her “Home Farming” project at an awards ceremony in Neuss. Podcaster and racism trainer Tupoka Ogette (44) received the blogger of the year award. The jury’s special prize went to the research network “Correctiv”. The 75-year-old presenter and author Christine Westermann surprisingly received the Newcomer of the Year trophy.

Judith Rakers has a golden nose for what’s good for her and what Internet farmers like – without a green thumb. A few years ago, the ex-“Tagesschau” lady turned her life around. She threw her previous lifestyle overboard and moved to the country. On her farm she grows fruit and vegetables, keeps chickens and lives the dream of her own small farm. In the podcast “Homefarming – Make it delicious at home” she regularly talks about her experiences as a small farmer. On the accompanying website she gives practical tips on bed planning, shares cooking recipes or talks to experts about more serious topics such as dealing with bird flu. The reward for her role model role for all city dwellers who make their country dream a reality: Rakers accepted the gold-decorated blogger trophy in Neuss – quite surprised at her success, as the pictures show.

Author, podcaster and trainer Tupoka Ogette has been campaigning against racism for years. She was honored with Germany’s oldest digital award as “Blogger of the Year”. The journalists from the research network “Correctiv” devoted themselves impressively to the same topic. They had intensively researched the “Secret Plan for Germany” and a meeting of the new right in Potsdam in November 2023. Their journalistic achievement has now earned them the jury’s special prize.

The presenters Mona Ameziane (30) and Christine Westermann (75) are united by their love for good stories. Precisely because there are two generations between the two, they inspire a wide audience with their literature podcast “Two Sides”. Curious: WDR presenter Christine Westermann, at 75, not only set an age record in the history of the prize as the oldest winner. Together with Ameziane, Westermann won the prize in the “Newcomer” category. Influencer and actor Phil Laude (33), on the other hand, is likely to see himself as an old hand in the digital business. The ex-“Y-Titty” star won the prize in the entertainment category together with his partner, comedienne Lara Maria Groppler (25). In their entertaining internet series “Almans around the World” the couple parodies typical German peculiarities abroad.