Influencer Anna-Maria Ferchichi (42) is currently spending every free minute in the hospital. Two-year-old Leonora – one of the triplets – is struggling with tonsillitis and, as another blood test revealed, also with Pfeiffer’s glandular fever.

The little one’s father, rapper Bushido (45), has finally arrived in his adopted home of Dubai and his first trip apparently led to the clinic. “I’m going to get lunch quickly. Dad is looking after Leonora,” the mother of eight tells her followers in an Instagram story. In the next story, Ferchichi shows how exactly you can imagine “paying attention”.

You can see a touching photo in which Anis Ferchichi, as the musician’s real name is, is lying in the hospital bed with his little daughter. He has snuggled up lovingly behind her and is also sleeping. Mama Anna-Maria commented “Awwww” and a red heart and added additional information that the girl had been sleeping “for 3.5 hours again”.

Her husband also seems to need some sleep, as he has had an extremely “turbulent flight with many detours”, as she said in a previous story. While Anna-Maria Ferchichi and their seven children have been back in Dubai for a few days, Bushido still had a few things to do in his old homeland of Germany after the end of the first part of his “King Forever” tour and therefore came along.

The parents have now received the good news that little Leonora can go home again this Friday. Because “she’s eating again,” as the relieved mother told her followers on Friday morning. “Anise, Djibi

In March, the family had already feared for the health of drilllet Amaya, who was also in the hospital for a long time and ultimately had to have an operation on her neck because an abscess had formed there.

Bushido and Anna-Maria Ferchichi have been a couple since 2011 and married since 2012. They live with their family in Dubai. The couple has seven children together: daughter Aaliyah (born 2012), twins Djibrail (“Djibi”) and Laila (born 2013), son Issa (born 2015) and triplets Leonora, Naima and Amaya. The sister of pop singer Sarah Connor (43) also brought their now grown-up son Montry into the marriage.