Against this villain even James Bond, the Shorter: Corona, turned off the wooden Kirchner Fools-cinema about two months. While the operator Tom Modlinger all the forces for the Restart on 15. June bundles, regret, cinema, friends, that from a drive-in cinema in the hearth, the garden, or an Open-Air nothing was. Or even what’s going on?

wooden churches – Countless phone calls, many hours of time, a couple of hundred euros for radio frequencies: Tom Modlinger fought long, in the oven, the garden is a corona-compliant car to raise the cinema. Not only filmmakers listened to, finally, a ray of light in the dreary pandemic everyday. “My heart broke for real, when I had to cancel it,” he stresses, Foolskino operators.

ever Since the re-recording of the in-house operation to 15. June announces, focuses Modlinger on the necessary Hygiene concept. The organizationally and financially difficult to stemmende car Venture, he had to be; there are also plans for Open-Air performances under the summer sky are buried for the time being. “I’m not sad that it will all work out,” says Modlinger, “maybe next year will be’what.” Hope to get him that promotion of the location in the city hall with a lot of momentum for his idea had been used. “A big praise for that.”

A XXL canvas in the hearth, the garden, cinema in the car – that would have done wooden churches, find site sponsor, Eva-Maria Schmitz. “It would just have been in these times an attractive offer. We should not lose sight of the concept from the eyes.“ On their own, the municipality will not be active, “we want to raise here, no competition”. The operator should knock, “we will help but, where it goes”.

The last Film in the Fools ran to the 16. March

The last Film in the Fools Modlinger had at 16. March shown, then the Shutdown came. A long time no one knew if or when the projectors are allowed to run again. In order to develop an economic perspective, grabbed Modlinger, the “contact-free” drive-in theater project. “I’m not a Fan of drive-in theaters, to me, the exchange with the people is missing,” says the theater owner, “but it is better than nothing.” He sought the permits, bought radio frequencies (valid until August).

As the biggest Problem is the picture wall turned out. 60 cars have good vision, must be positioned in the canvas bottom edge to a height of at least five meters. “Neither canvas nor scaffolding to get to the Quick at a reasonable price,” says Modlinger. 10 000 to 15 000 euros, the cost for 18 days of drive-in cinema. The purchase of a matching screen would cost around 20 000 euros. Modlinger, it was not possible to ensure the support of sponsors. He is now the Finger, wants to watch but, like the drive-in cinema in Bad Wiessee works (we reported).

Rather than “stopgap” drive-in movie Modlinger Open-Air would offer cinema. In the wooden churches, which was difficult, since the performances begin in the dark and noise is observed. “But here in the Region I know of suitable Locations where this can work.” In mid-August, when the new boar starts Hofer-crime, he could imagine Cinema under the stars.

With “Nightlife” from the corona break

This is but to put things on the backburner. On Monday, 15. June, the Fools with the Comedy “Nightlife” and the Drama “Kill Me Today, Tomorrow I’m Sick”, as well as with the children’s film “The Heinzels” from the Corona break. Only about half of the 76 seats may be occupied. According to the state of things masks are necessary when you enter the room or the toilet visits, but not during the movie. Tickets are only available online. When the program Modlinger now more on the Mainstream and feel-good cinema than Arthouse-strip. “The question is: in need of the people to the cinema or still outweighs the fear of the Virus?”