“Treat people with dignity and respect is what makes a man suitable,” stated, Thursday, 23 July, the representative democrat of New York, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. She was reacting to an insult is gender-based (” fucking bitch “, ” fucking bitch “), launched in its place on Monday by an elected republican, the republican representative Ted Yoho. He was excused the day before, regretting the tone “abrupt” employee.

But he was again denied having uttered the insult in question, as reported by a journalist from the news website, political The Hill, a witness to the scene. “Being married for forty-five years old and the father of two daughters, I am very aware of my words,” he assured. These denials have won him a flock of green wood on the part of the interested. “Having a daughter does not make a man suitable. Having a woman does not make one a suitable man “, has launched the ” AOC ” in front of their colleagues.

A penalty for Ted Yoho

The youngest of the Congress, 30 years old, was then pointed out that it, too, ” was the daughter of someone.” “Fortunately, my father is no longer here to see how Mr. Yoho discusses his daughter “, she added with an anger barely contained. “I will not let the Congress accept these excuses as legitimate, she still tancé.

Monday, Ted Yoho, had approached his sister on the steps of Congress to reproach him with remarks tying the rise of crime in New York city, poverty increased by the pandemic. He had accused her of being “crazy” and ” disgusting “. It continued on its path, he had so insulted her, according to the journalist witness of the scene. The elected republican is talking to himself and just said ” bullshit “, that is to say, ” bullshit “, had then assured the spokesperson. These denials have not convinced, and the leader of the democratic majority in the House, Steny Hoyer, had estimated that Mr. Yoho should be sanctioned by his peers.