A part of France confined is comforted with the season 5 of the Office of the legends and adventures of Lout, JJA, Pacemaker, Mille Sabords and company…

at the same time, the FBI issued an alert against China to discourage its start hacking the different laboratories in the united states who are working on a vaccine against the Covid-19. Espionage knows no truce, no limitations, no field defended, as evidenced by the big moves current in the medical field. Everywhere act these men and women who look like us and yet exercise not really in the same business as us. Sometimes soldiers of the nation, sometimes officials cravatés, they continue, in spite of the operations of demystification, to exercise the same fascination. Because without doubt, in a world dedicated to the banter, the immediacy, control, transparency, the spies embody the possibility of silence, of patience, of mystery and of a second life. They also represent what man of more chivalrous, or more convoluted, the love and the betrayal of the fatherland, bravery and cowardice. At the time of writing these lines, we know that above our heads, whistling quietly snakes satellite. States monitor, size each other up, their wars are viral, but not virtual, in a deterritorialization crazy, they are trying to destabilize up in their elections. The cold war replaced the guerrillas warm, at a distance, where the clones, firewall, and artificial intelligence, now conduct the dance.

Read also When Eric Rochant comment on the geopolitics of the “Office of the legends”

The other profession the oldest in the world

It is not only in The Office of the urban legends that France and Russia are playing a dizzying game of chess. As we are reminded in this out-of-series Remi Kauffer, the author of world History of the secret service, France has always been for the giant Is a playground for the privileged. How is the GRU, the arm of Moscow ? We also wants the NSA ? What is the worth of our agents, special operations ? What is their real life and how does the DGSE ? From fiction to reality, we invite you to enter, thanks to our experts, behind-the-scenes of the current houses.

also Read Robert Littell : “The best spy is the man without qualities”

But because the espionage, which is the other profession the oldest in the world, has a long history, we propose to you to browse through the rich hours, to find the master spies, male and female, the very daring, the sacrificed, the defectors, the completely paranoid, the schizos, the sexy, to discover also, under the pen thrilling of the best historians, the most striking, Berlin, Moscow, New York, Jerusalem, and Riyadh. One way to check this that gave us more Robert Littell, the novelist of the CIA : the great spies are men without qualities with qualities.

Consult our folder : The real secrets of spies