the start of A compromise on the pension reform begins to take shape after more than a month of indefinite strike in public transport, and several days of demonstrations. The French prime minister, Édouard Philippe, has offered this Saturday, check out one of the most controversial measures: 64 years as the age to retire with full pension. Today, the legal age is 62 years. The so-called “age of reference” or “old pivot” blocked the negotiation with the CFDT, the first union of France. Other unions, like the CGT, demand the complete withdrawal of the reform.

The granting of Philippe can be a turning point in a conflict that is eroding the Government and has cost more than 800 million euros to public companies of metro and railways. The CFDT, in favour of the general lines of the reform, were opposed to set in the 64 years the retirement age. The reason is considered that increase the years worked to balance the accounts supposed to mix financial criteria with the necessary —according to this trade union— re-establishment of the system. The reform will involve the merger of the 42 pension schemes current one.


The French, those eternal malcontents Laurent Berger, the social conscience of the reform of Macron

in exchange for the granting of draft that’s supposed to park the age of 64 years, Philippe convened a conference of trade unions and employers, which at the end of April, should agree on what steps to take to find the financial balance from now to 2027. It may be a certain age or, as the president and Emmanuel Macron has suggested in the past, an agreement on the years of contributions. Both the CFDT as UNSA, another union moderate, welcomed the offer of Philippe, who in December disoriented to the unions favourable to reform to introduce, for the surprise proposal of the 64 years.

at The back, Philippe could embolden the sector hard for the strikers and protesters. But your ad accentuates the division of the unions in a time in which the follow-up of the strikes and the demonstrations given signs of erosion. It can also serve to persuade the public opinion, where the strikers have large sympathies, of the good will of the Government. At the same time, the concessions —over the age of 64 years and the other aimed at professional sectors— can make a dent among conservative voters, who value to Macron and to Philippe as a duo of reformers impervious to the pressure of the street.