There were times when Hafiz was able to keep Saeed still full of their complacency press conferences. As the Washington in 2012 had suspended a reward for the capture of the Pakistani extremists and co-founder of the terrorist group Lashkar-e-Taiba, asked the Pakistanis amused: “Why is the U.S. Ministry of foreign Affairs of this bounty to others? Why not me? I can send every day to my site, and I’m on the phone.” The Episode is no longer is eight years, the convenient cover by powerful circles in Pakistan was Saeed a later date, certainly, in 2017, he came under house arrest, 2019 in custody. And a few days ago, a court in Lahore sentenced him for terrorist financing in two cases each to five and a half years in prison.

behind it Is a new way of Thinking in Islamabad? The step is an indication that Pakistan distances itself from old habits and militant groups smashes, the building was once the army of the self or supported? The case of Saeed raises controversial questions. “What’s remarkable is the Timing of the judgment is,” said Ifthekar Ahmed Chowdhury, a political scientist at the Institute of South Asian Studies, National University of Singapore. The judge ruled four days before the Meeting of the Financial Action task force against money laundering and financing of Terrorism, in short, the FATF called.

money laundering check

The group of experts working under the auspices of the Organisation for economic co-operation and development (OECD), gathered this week in Paris to review progress in the fight against terrorist financing and money laundering. Some countries, including Pakistan, are on a gray list, which means that you have to address considerable shortcomings in dealing with those criminal networks, and terrorist Finance.

Islamabad is committed not on the black list, slipping on the now Iran, and North Korea are. The States that refuse to accept the requirements of the FATF. “It seems Pakistan have found no way to work around the Problem with the FATF,” says Chowdhury. The judgment against Hafiz Saeed sends the Signal that Pakistan is doing something against the financing of terror.

That there is a more independent judiciary had acquitted his judgment, doubted the South Asia expert Christian Wagner from the Foundation for science and politics; the temporal proximity to the FATF Meeting suggest, rather, that the court is a very political decision was made. A to save Pakistan now, before the financial collapse. Tellingly, have focused on the judiciary solely on allegations of terrorist financing. Still heavier, but the accusations from India and the United States to weigh, according to Saeed is considered the mastermind of the Mumbai attacks. In the attacks more than 160 people died in 2008; a process that would be cutting of this crime, strained Pakistan but never.

fighters for Kashmir

“device Pakistan on the Blacklist of the FATF, it would be for Islamabad’s nightmare,” says Wagner with a view to the Meeting of the financial auditor in Paris, which should be this week, a decision known. “The International monetary Fund has made it clear that no money will flow, should Pakistan come on the Blacklist.” The consequence of an economic slump, the China, the godfather of Pakistan, has no interest would be. The IMF had decided, in 2019, a new rescue package, the Islamabad to keep from bankruptcy.

The Extremist Saeed, whose Lashkar-e-Taiba sent especially jihadis to the embattled Kashmir, was always to arrest in the house, when it is considered politically expedient to pressure from the West to intercept. However, the judgment goes on. And even if it is not an example of a free-acting justice, it is an indication of growing international pressure on Islamabad.

The suspicion is that in
Lahore is a very political
decision was made.

“is It one of those cases in which multi-functioning multilateralism,” says Wagner. Not even the protecting power in Beijing seems to want to accept the fact that terrorist groups in Pakistan will continue to support and cover, if not actively of forces in the military are supported. Nevertheless, the political scientist Chowdhury says: “I would be surprised if Saeed would have to serve the entire prison sentence.” Many Pakistanis consider him as a hero and benefactor, who works to liberate the Muslims of Kashmir.

analysts can assess easily whether the judgment against Hafiz Saeed actually means a turning point in the handling of Pakistan, with its militias. And if so, how sustainable it is. Nebulous to stay in front of all relations of the military groups operating in the border area with Afghanistan. Only a few days ago, reports made the rounds that Ehsanullah Ehsan, a leader of the Pakistani Taliban group, TTP, was escaped from the military prison. His group can be attributed to the devastating terrorist attacks, including those on Malala Yousafzai, the Nobel peace prize winner.

However, the official iron Silence on the alleged escape Ehsans. The Pakistani army is not in the cards.

Created: 18.02.2020, 23:13 PM