Tensions on the franco-swiss border. The town of Porrentruy, located in the swiss Jura, don’t want to see the French dip in his pool. Located 32 kilometres from Ipswich and 40 kilometres from Belfort, it attracted hitherto of young people from both sides of the border who just want to cool off. But, in the face of antisocial behaviour, a decision was taken to prohibit the access to non-swiss residents, highlights France Blue. An announcement controversy.

In the viewfinder of the authorities, it would be ” gangs of youth “, coming from the French side. As reported at the time Is republican, the decision came on July 30. Two arguments are then put forward : preventing the spread of the Covid-19, and curb the anti-social behaviour. Problem, the speech does not, according to Fabrice Berret, a municipal councillor of Cornol, a nearby community. “We talk about sanitary measures for the Covid, but it does not suggest at any time a maximum number of people, distance, limitation of any kind, one arrives immediately on the problems of antisocial behaviour… Either one has problems of Covid, and we take adequate measures to limit the number of entries, or there are problems of antisocial behaviour, and taking police measures to exclude, amend, people are the problem. “Another local councillor does not hesitate to denounce a” climate of anti-French “would be felt” for many years “.

also Read the Geneva closes its nightclubs : the French presumed guilty

A legal measure ?

While the situation grows, the canton of Jura has requested a report to verify the legality of these restrictions. The mayor of the town, which claims to be insured, then took refuge in the precautionary principle. “Maybe we’ll get slapped on the fingers, but I have to say that in this kind of situation, I prefer to be slapped on the fingers than having to take my phone to tell a family bad news, because in the end, no decision was taken. “It also highlights that four additional officers have been recruited, but this was not enough to deal with anti-social behaviour. On 16 July, Radio fréquence Jura gave figures : five people barred from entering for one year and twenty users who received a warning. The prohibition of access to the pool of twenty people was also to be completed by the end of the month of July.

Read also Slobs – Julien Damon : antisocial behaviour, of the signals to deal with emergency

last summer, it is on the border between France and Germany that this kind of event had happened. In the heat, the young French were to assault in swimming pools the German Kehl and Auenheim. In the Face of the situation, the local authorities had already been forced to react.

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