A fixed time schedule not yet, but a next step is in terms of wood Kirchner Südspange in sight: the end of July the results of a faunal analysis of two possible routes should be available.

wooden churches wooden churches groaning for years under the traffic. “The traffic needs to get out of the place,” says mayor Christoph Schmid (CSU). One way to do this is a Südspange was. If and when this controversial bypass comes, is still completely open.

is at Least now a small, the next step in the schedule in sight: The faunistic survey of two possible routes is completed, according to the State Department Rosenheim well this year in July. “As soon as the results become available, we will coordinate with the market town of further action,” explains Matthias Geitz, head of the Department of planning at the State Department.

reminder: wooden churches, Großhartpenning, and short mountain could get a bypass, which connects to the B 13 B 318 and places the traffic is relieved. This is the wish of at least a part of the citizens and is provided for in the Federal transport infrastructure plan (BVWP). In this the wooden Kirchner bypass with the sense of urgency that is listed needs by 2030, the workaround for hard-penning and short mountain is no longer needed.

a Total of 19 proposals for the route were the wooden Kirchner submitted to the State Department. Five variants of the feasibility study, the authority presented at the beginning of the year in the municipal Council.

in a nutshell, this study includes: By the first variant, the state Department is not advised because they permit from nature conservation to legal reasons able, it said. Variant five would be churches circumvention only for wood and not relieved the rest of the places. Although this would probably be the easy test is feasible, it is rather unlikely. Because at least in the old municipal Council, the political groups agreed that they do not want to hard-depend on penning and short mountain. In variant four the danger is that the wood Kirchner bypass is built, and only later the short mountain and Großhartpenning would be.

all The variants of number two and three, the preferably, according to city hall, chef Schmid, for example, the CSU-faction, lost in the vicinity of the Northern forest rim of the Tannholzes. However, both routes are the facts “of nature protection with high-risk regarding the fulfilment of species-protection law to Ban” fraught as it is stated in the feasibility study. Because of the pages of the local councils many Requests came to the variants two and three, is now to be a faunistic analysis of intensive cleared, how high the risk is, according to the press office in the State Department. “Through in-depth inspections on the spot, you will be charged the existing inventory of specially protected species, and in terms of Road design rating,” says Geitz.

versions for wood, Kirchner Südspange: The opponents and supporters

say, in Principle, the municipality will deal with the results of the feasibility study, including the complementary faunal risk analysis, says Geitz should. “The Form In which the discussion and decision-making that led to the decision of the municipality.” Geitz emphasizes: “The state Department preferred to no route.”

goal is, according to Geitz, that the market makes a final opinion on the project. The state Department intends, in the framework of a Federal-Land coordination, the further procedure with the superior service authorities, particularly the Federal Ministry of transport to vote.

According to Schmid, is to be questioned by the citizens. If it should come to a Ratsbegehren, would have to make the Council a specific pre-selection. The wooden Kirchner could vote “Yes” or “no”. The extent to which this happens is still open.