water With the Hubble telescope, scientists discovered a planet in the atmosphere. Could be this Planet, a second earth?

“We have only one earth”, chant the protesters of Fridays for the Future, again and again. That’s true, but researchers search the space, constantly looking for life-friendly planets.

Using the Hubble telescope is researchers now is a very special Planet in front of the lens: Because, thanks to the Hubble telescope, they discovered the planet K2-18 b. The Planet is eight Times as large as the earth, and is 110 light years away.

New Planet has water in the atmosphere

Especially to K2-18 B: The researchers discovered the atmosphere of the planet, which was broken by the light of a red dwarf star: The planet’s atmosphere contains steam. Thus, the K2-18 b could be theoretically habitable, according to the specialist magazine, Nature, Astronomy.

But only theoretically, because, apart from the atmosphere, the researchers were able to analyze, nothing else on the planet. Whether there is actually liquid water of the potential earth, is not established. If the existence of this planet can confirm, he is, according to researchers in the category “Super-earths”.

the new Planet Could be a second earth?

life on K2-18 b could not yet be demonstrated. The researchers expect, however, that he is a red dwarf star that revolves around the new water-planet, it could be dangerous for living beings. This dwarf known stars are regular outbreaks. Strong UV is very and x – ray radiation, which can be for living beings without special protection mechanisms, fatal, reported scinexx.de.

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For the researchers, this discovery nevertheless a unique opportunity to get “more insights into the composition and the climate of exoplanets in the habitable Zone”, Angelios Tsiaras from University College London said. Tsiaras is one of the authors of the study on the new water-planet.

Also on other planets water is discovered

Only Recently discovered by Nasa scientists a possible “Super-earth”. This Planet was discovered with the satellite, TESS, and is located closer to the earth than K2-18 b, because the “Super-earth” is only 73 light years.

50 years Ago, the Americans landed first on the moon. Until today, there are many theories on whether the moon landing actually took place. Buzz Aldrin annoyed with these conspiracy theories, such as merkur.de* reported. India also wants to join the list of Nations that were on the moon. Therefore, India has launched a moon mission.

discoveries in space can be vital for survival: Only recently discovered by scientists in the last second a large Asteroid. At the time a Mega to grid-Asteroid on the earth. the size of the rocks is impressive. In Canada, researchers have received nunmysteriöse signals from space.

researchers of the Max Planck society, have discovered a planet that is our earth, something like that “like no other”. To be able to live people?

A student Intern, NASA had reason to celebrate: through the analysis of data, he discovered a new planet.

in 1998, discovered Dark energy is a scientific Revolution. But now a new theory is the discovery that earned a Nobel prize contradict it.

*merkur.de is part of the Federal-wide editorial network Ippen Digital