François de Rugy tries an appearance. Invited Monday, June 22, in the show “The Big mouths on RMC, the former president of the national Assembly and minister of the ecological Transition and solidarity is back on the case of “lobster” that drove him to resign. Now, “it’s going very well,” he says immediately. This case has been obviously painful enough “, points out François de Rugy, before making his mea culpa.

” I’ve probably done mistakes, I acknowledge, that, it is obvious. In politics, as in life-short, we may be led to make mistakes. I does not even a right to error “, take into to know. François de Rugy has been pinned by revelations of Mediapart on dinners glitzy paid for with public funds and held at the hotel de Lassay, residence of the president of the national Assembly, while taking advantage of the cellar of the Palais-Bourbon.

also Read The last days of François de Rugy

“I consider that I’ve paid.”

François de Rugy argues, on RMC, its sense of sacrifice : “I consider that I have paid, in the literal and figurative sense. I resigned because I did override the collective interest of the president, the government, the majority on my individual interest “, so that the pressure was getting unbearable. He expresses no regret. “All the world is not like that in the same situation. It is important to be able to, sometimes, take a step back, for the collective interest. “

Read also Severine Servat de Rugy : “The people have-they need a truth ? “

The former minister also believes that the global media, during the month of July 2019, has been disproportionate, having regard to the facts : “It is true that the global media of the time, without equivalent, appears, I think, a little ridiculous and even unfair, with regard to a lot of people. “Regarding the judicial proceedings, he claims not to have been questioned; and that even the association anti corruption Anticor has not launched any prosecutions. On the other hand, has filed a complaint against Mediapart for defamation. The trial is expected to take place in February 2021, he said.

Read also a Matter of Rugy : “The accusations against him is a minor”

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“It is ready” : hello, again François de Rugy ! François de Rugy : a small murder in macronie