the cause of the fire remain, therefore, only intentional additional or neglect and help arson. The Cottage in the garden, in the Street, At the brook of arable bordered directly at the house. By the fire of three shutters and a pane of glass melted and burst. The damage is at least 2000 Euro. The occupants of the house were unharmed. Relevant information to suspicious husband Watch to burn time on Wednesday, 03. June, between 20 and 22 PM and is also on the verge of asking the police Marburg, Tel. 06421/406-0.

Wallau – break-food-market

When a slump in the food market in the Theodor-Meissner-Street, the OFFENDER tobacco stolen goods to the value of the first sightings of several Thousand euros. After the first investigation, the fact took on the night of Thursday, 04. June, just a few minutes. To 00.48 PM the OFFENDER entered through an enveloped window and pulled the cigarettes from the open shelves at the tills. To 00.50 a.m., they were gone again. The criminal investigation of Marburg has included the investigation and are asking for any information. Who has made the night in Wallau suspicious powerful observations? Who are in the night or on the eve, in the days before the burglary, e.g., non-local vehicles and/or people have noticed? Where is a vehicle with a not uncommon large amount of cigarettes? Noticed after the fact a vehicle because of the driving manner, for example by obviously überhöhte speed? Where are after the fact of a sudden apparently discarded Kleidungstücke such as Jackets, pants, and possibly masks or gloves? “Anyone who finds such Items, this should not touch for Reasons of forensics itself, but immediately call the police. In addition, could contribute to any message About suspicious unattended or unusual observations Aufklärung of the break-in. The criminal investigation Department is examining ways of any communication.” Police Marburg, Tel. 06421/406-0.

Neustadt – drug test positive

The drug test responded to Amphetamine and Methamphetamine. For the 30-year-old motorist, the journey was on Wednesday, 03. In June, shortly after 21 o’clock in Neustadt to the end. The police led in the bird mountain of the living man nor the necessary blood sample. He must answer demnächst because of driving under the influence of intoxicating substances.

Marburg – Liebigstraße: Blue Ford Focus wagon damage damaged

The damage in ALTITUDE of a minimum of 500 euros is located on the walkway facing the passenger side, more precisely to the Beifahrertür. On the blue car, a slight röaccidental abrasion was as a foreign colour. According to the traces of the damage was to the Pass of the cars movement on the sidewalk. Möglich wäre a Anstoß, for example, by a Bicycle, possibly also children’s Bicycle or a hand cart or stroller. The blue Ford Focus station wagon was parked in the time of the accident between 18 a.m. on Wednesday, 27. and 14 PM on Friday, 29. May, on the Park strip in front of the property Liebigstraße 4. The owner was neither a message on the car, a corresponding damage report was carried out by the polluter to the police. Who has made the time in question, observations, the occurrence of damage related¤ngen köcould? Information, please contact the hit-and-run investigators at the police station of Marburg, Germany, Tel. 06421/406-0.

Martin Ahlich

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