It came to a spontaneous counter-rally. According to present knowledge, all the gatherings remained peaceful. There were isolated cases of violations had requirements regarding the mitigation of Corona-Virus.

On Saturday afternoon, were conducted between 15 to 18: 30 at several rallies in the Bremen urban area, these had been occupied by the clerk’s office with conditions. The police was reinforced forces, to secure the right to freedom of Assembly.

Around 15 o’clock a meeting under the Motto “the mood was logged in” at the goat market in the steintor quarter, with about 50 participants. It is a found, in addition to the Assembly of heads of no other participants.

the same Time, 16 people gathered for about an hour on a “Birati”rally at the Central station.

at 15.30 a meeting was held in the peak of about 175 participants under the Motto “fundamental rights”. The participants of this event were composed of different groups, which demonstrated the critical counter-current Corona limitations. With the beginning of the meeting, there was a spontaneous counter-rally with up to 140 participants, who had part of Antifa symbols. The police were equipped for this against event requirements and to the participants via loudspeaker announcements informed. At both rallies, the rules of hygiene were not observed in isolated cases. The individuals were approached by the police and to the provisions referred to. During the meeting, it went through three counter-demonstrators to disturbances to the stage. Responders found three people and identity were findings. There are two criminal were made due to injury. Further investigations of this are ongoing. Against 16.20 at a Spontaneous elevation of approximately 60 to 70 counter-demonstrators sat down in the direction of the market square in motion, and it was accompanied by the police. This was in breach of had requirements (distance), the appropriate investigations for violations of the Assembly act were initiated. Against 17 at the meeting “fundamental rights has been completed” by the organizer, the Rest of the protest broke up as well.

Around 17 o’clock about 100 people on the square gathered for almost an hour for a rally on the theme of “Social change”, the called part of anti-fascist demo slogans.

Overall, all of the meetings were held without disruption. The participants were mainly based on the distance and hygiene rules to contain the Corona of a pandemic.

Besides minor traffic delays, there were no other outstanding faults.

This post is provided by: police Bremen/news up to date. An editorial review by FOCUS Online has not taken place.

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