The weather in Germany on the day of Pentecost this year is something special. Either Top or Flop – this long weekend has it. But whit the tide is turning.

Coronavirus* will employ the people in the next few months will probably continue to use. The weather* on the day of Pentecost has for a part of Germany but is already an unpleasant Surprise. The beginning of the summer of 2020 starts on 1. June 2020 – at least in the meteorological reckoning of time.

Update from 30. May, 08.21 PM : Almost the whole of Germany starts Sunny to the Whitsun week-end and is likely to continue. But the friendly weather is a little deceptive Because it is not today and tomorrow are as warm as we are still from the last days in the usual way. forecast for Saturday, temperatures only around 15 degrees. Especially in the South and Southeast of the temperature low , while in the North, to the 20-degree mark, in the North-West, even up to 25 degrees hot can be. The reason for the differences in an area of Low pressure approaches from East and in many places, the clouds, brings is. Be rain but only in the Southeast , especially in lower Bavaria. The the North sea and the Baltic sea coast most Sunny and warm weather .

+ Sunny weather on the North sea coast©dpa / Hauke-Christian Dittrich

On Sunday should reinforce the Trend again: The temperature go back to General light and the clouds spread from East to the West. the rain can make up parts of Bavaria and Saxony.

weather in Germany: is there a risk of us after Pentecost, the sheep’s cold?

Update from the 29. May, 20.37 PM: Coming soon the sheep cold to Germany? Under the weather phenomenon, which often occurs in mid-June in Central Europe, is a break-in of cold air, accompanied by unsettled and rainy weather. It is also in this summer cold? Bernd Madlener looks for the sheep cold this year “is quite a Chance that she could meet Germany.” However, this was not sure. However, the temperatures will rise to the Pentecost, only once. In the lowlands temperatures of around 25 to 30 degrees Celsius are possible. After the Summer, there should be, however, a change in the weather. velvet rain showers and thunderstorms.

The precipitation should, in particular, occur in the Alpine country in appearance. In the Rest of Germany, it’s going to rain too, but not really strong. The probability of sheep to cold, the meteorologist estimated ultimately to 33 percent.

weather in Germany: Top or Flop – so the weekend will be on the day of Pentecost

Update from the 29. May 2020, 16.20 : East or West? The weather in Germany this is exactly currently the question. Because in the East it rains occasionally, however, it is in the West, almost cloudless.

In this two-part weather changes over the Whitsun week-end there, except on Pentecost Sunday. There’s another Deep – “Isolde in the East” for the weather changing, and, increasingly, for rain. Nevertheless, it is in Germany, it is much too dry. Farmers hope for rain.

On whit Monday, the weather in Germany is changing. In the course of a day, the clouds from the Alps to loosen up to Central Germany, such as the notify German weather service (DWD). On the Rhine, the weather experts expect up to 27 degrees, in the South-East, by contrast, locally with 19 degrees.

from whit it is so very warm – in the first week of June, it is, in part, also hot, also explains meteorologist Dominik Jung from the weather service Q. met the weather portal Top up to 30 degrees are forecast. The prospects for the next few days the weather expert provides with:

Friday: from 17 to 25 degrees, often friendly and dry Saturday: 16 to 24 degrees, Mix of sun and clouds, mostly dry whit Sunday: 19 to 26 degrees, time, sun, clouds, in the far East is also time some rain, but very low whit Monday: from 19 to 26 degrees, anywhere Sunny, hardly any clouds, summer Tuesday: from 21 to 29 degrees, summer and dry Wednesday: from 22 to 30 degrees, summer and the afternoon in the West, showers and Thunderstorms Thursday: 19 to 29 degrees, friendly, later Thunderstorm

weather on the day of Pentecost: “spoiler-Deep” could the item holidays spoil

initial message of 28. May 2020 :

Munich – While the Coronavirus-crisis people in USA and the world has continue to crave a lot of finally, after constant summer temperatures. However, as the weather is in the sixth month of the year? The particular focus of the Whitsun week is now the end.

weather in Germany: prospects for the Whitsun week-end

On Thursday evening, according to forecast of the German weather service (DWD) in the South and Southeast, then becoming colder with. Clouds and sometimes rain, can play a role. The Thunderstorm and shower activity , however, decrease.

a Very much better prospects, however, there is also for the Friday. In the East and Southeast it is to continue changing, the ore mountains and Alpine also the Association to enforce tents in the rain. The maximum values are located in Germany at 18 to 24 degrees.

weather in Germany: heat blast or rainy weather on the day of Pentecost?

A Low over Eastern Europe will decide according to the meteorologist Dominik Jung from the weather service Q. met about how the weather will be in Germany on day of Pentecost .

So he told the “Bild-Zeitung”: “We have a lot of sun in day of Pentecost . In the West, and the North and the South, it is sure to be beautiful. But it could also be a game spoiler, and the like, in particular, compete in the East. […] The Low clouds pushes to rum, and the rich just so up in the East Germany . Therefore, it can give bad weather the day of Pentecost. The question is: How far is it to us?“ Because maybe, the weather expert, it could spare the East completely.

meteorologist Jürgen Schmidt of the “weather office” agreed with the. A Low over Poland, the Czech Republic, the clouds, steering to the East – but particularly to the Sachsen and Bayern . Local showers and Thunderstorms could also play a role. However, it was not at all sure how far the Deep Germany is, as Dominik Jung added.

weather in Germany: Pleasant temperatures for the majority of Germany

All those who had been waiting with High Steffen on a real heat blast, have to wait so probably. At least temperatures up to 23 degrees on Saturday, 24 degrees on Sunday are expected. But the really hot summer to finally come. But the weather forecasts are fatal. The third Extreme-waiting for summer in a row on us?

However, a “disaster scenario” even experts fear. The reason, among other things, the Coronavirus is.

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.

section list image:©dpa / Hauke-Christian Dittrich