Ohlstadt is a popular destination of mountain friends. There, you can start tours to the home garden area. However, the trip rush as a result of the Corona-relaxations surpassed all Previous.

Ohlstadt is popular with visitors – just top friends from Munich . According to the Corona-easing the place was overrun, however, just to. A resident showed up, horrified, and spoke of the “ absolute arrogance ” some of the excursionists. Even more local stories in our weekly regions-Newsletter of the Garmisch-Partenkirchen or in our App.

Ohlstadt – to The Kochel – and Walchensee, at the Blomberg or the Gaißacher Sonntratn ruthless hikers are for years well known. Your Parking behavior provides the local residents for displeasure. According to the easing the Corona-crisis , the Situation obtains now, in Ohlstadt ludicrous. Countless Bergfexen storm the home garden, without seriously thinking about the location of their parked vehicles. The municipality is now considering measures to keep the town centre as possible, unencumbered by the excursions . A designated Parking area in the vicinity of the Feneberg supermarket provided immediately for significant relaxation.

day trippers rush from Munich and Ohlstadt overrun – local resident appalled: “Absolute arrogance…”

origin of the excitement of the next-to-last Sunday was. the Ohlstadt was submerged in a previously unknown way of the visitors from the Metropolitan region of Munich literally. To the chagrin of the residents around the entry ways of the home garden. “That has drawn nearly up to the town hall down,” says mayor Christian Scheuerer (party free). the escape routes were simply parked, for agricultural vehicles not in some places was due to come.

the Problem is not, of course. But it was in the past, always in an acceptable range. “Last week, on Sunday was definitely the case,” said Scheuerer. “Half the village parks was not, as a Dimension we had not known before.”

Clear Magdalena Schell Inger is a data Anrainerin . For the past eight years, she inhabited a property to the home-garden road . A lot was going on with her always. “But that was the most Extreme.” In desperation, she turned with her partner Stefan Schmautz trash cans and toy tractors of the children to their usual Parking areas. Even that, however, did not deter some of the days tourists. “Once a car has somewhere to place it everywhere,” says Schell Inger annoyed. Even clearly marked entrances were sometimes parked there. “Bad, this absolute arrogance and the Ego of these people is,” says the Ohlstädterin . Countless pieces of paper affixed Schell Inger already on the windshield with a different choice of words, depending on the degree of their anger.

Ohlstadt: Mega-onslaught of father’s day – Church is not looking for solutions

The municipality was reluctant to deal with the issue to adopt. Spontaneously a country was host to the Meadow next to the Feneberg Parking as a fallback area. Allegedly not a permanent solution, but an effective hand have to be the onslaught, on father’s day and on the subsequent weekend Lord.

Last Sunday, also made an electronic Billboard at the Northern entrance to the separate Parking area. Scheuerer is convinced that the strong rush currently has to do with the loose home and contact restrictions to. Nevertheless, the question remains: Is it better? The head of the community can well imagine that many Hikers prefer the local mountain from now on, permanently. “That’s fine, we need guests, do not want to migrate to the neighbouring town,” says Scheuerer. However, the hospitality should not lead to “resentment at the Locals “.

The result is The elaboration of a traffic concept of the alternative. Measurements of the traffic flows provide an Overview. This is the only way to view Scheuerers to determine which measures are the “Most to bring effects”. The appeal to mountain climbers is not will remain, although the mayor evaluates to the number of black sheep as low. “Most people are reasonable and find a suitable place.”

Also in krien the day-trippers and holiday-makers with caravans to the Corona, take loose the upper hand. The community reacts now.

Other news from Ohlstadt and the Region always read up to date here.

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