Twitter started a real feud with Donald Trump. A tweet from the us president on the clashes of Minneapolis, in the north of the United States, was reported Friday by the social media for ” glorifying violence “. “This tweet violates the rules of Twitter on the glorification of violence. However, Twitter believes that it is in the public interest that this tweet is still accessible, ” said the social network.

Appalled by the attitude of Twitter against it, Donald Trump had signed on Thursday a decree aiming to limit the protection of social networks and the latitude they enjoy in the moderation of their content. Very active on Twitter where he blends fast-paced action, announcements, policies, personal attacks, conspiracy theories and about the campaign, the tenant of the White House denounces long-standing what he believes to be a bias ideological and political on the part of the giants of the Silicon Valley.

Read also Trump and Twitter : they are both loved

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Philippe Labro – “Donald Trump, the emperor of the tweet” Trump and Twitter, “heresy and politics” or “stroke of genius” ? Iran : when Trump retweete an activist who does not exist inaccuracies from Donald Trump to Fox News