Bolivia charge against Spain after a confusing incident in the Embassy of Mexico in La Paz Mexico complaint to Bolivia before the international justice for the siege of its embassy in La Paz

Mexico itself as a country’s adjudicator of asylum in Latin America. The Government of Ecuador has made it known Thursday that a group of militants of the Citizen Revolution, the movement’s former president, Rafael Correa, has left the capital on a commercial flight to seek diplomatic protection in the north american country. Diplomatic sources consulted by THE COUNTRY rule out that the decision of the Government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador resulting in a crisis similar to that experienced in the last few weeks with the interim Government of Bolivia, where nine loyal to the former president, Evo Morales remain a refugee at the mexican Embassy in La Paz.

“According to the line of respect for the international instruments that has kept the Government of president Lenin Moreno, who this week was reported to the Embassy of Mexico which would provide the facilities necessary for those citizens to get out of Ecuador”, said the ecuadorian foreign ministry in the statement. Among the group of inmates found the assembly Gabriela Rivadeneira, Soledad Buendía and Cristian Viteri, part of the circle of trust of the Strap, as well as their partners and the legislator substitute Luis Molina.

The inmates had taken refuge in the mexican Embassy in Quito from October, just a day after they finished the violent social protests in the andean country by the rise in the price of gasoline. They mentioned that they felt persecuted.

None of the three lawmakers have a judicial process open against it derived from the days of the protest, but were summoned by the Assembly to an investigation of legislative. The husband Rivadeneira had an order of detention. Assemblywoman reproached then, in his hearing by videoconference, that his request to promote an advance election to put an end to the Government of Lenin Moreno was regarded as an act of instigation.

From the first moment, the ecuadorian authorities had attributed the escalating violence to a planned strategy of destabilization of the country, fuelled by the proliferation of false information, and attributed to similar sectors, or nearby to the correísmo. In fact, two other members of the first line of the previous Administration, the current prefect of Pichincha, Paola Pabón, and the exasambleísta Virgilio Hernandez, are prosecuted for rebellion by the protests of October. Till they came to a decision of the inter-American Commission on Human Rights, urging the ecuadorian Government to take measures to ensure their rights, the two remained in pretrial detention. For the moment, still waiting for that advancement of the judicial process.

“The Government is confident that the conspiracy to undermine democracy and the violent events of October will be clarified by the justice and that their perpetrators will be punished following the due process”, added the ecuadorian foreign minister to disclose to the media the decision to facilitate the departure of the country of assembly members and members of their families.

Jose Valencia has justified the departure from the country of assembly members and members of their families as a show of respect for the international legal framework, preventing further feed the narrative of the political persecution to which usually cling to the officials or senior officials of the former Government to face Justice, whether by the October protests or cases of corruption. “Behind the discourse of political persecution is the political interest of a sector that seeks impunity for the crimes for which many are now processed in independent judicial bodies”, has insisted the Government of Moreno in the press release.

The chancellor mexican, Marcelo Ebrard, and his ecuadorian counterpart met on Wednesday in Mexico City. The meeting came just hours before the ceremony for the start of the pro tempore presidency of Mexico in the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States, a regional mechanism that seeks to be a counterweight to the Organization of American States (OAS) and which does not include the united States and Canada, unlike the OAS. The meeting discussed the most important aspects of the bilateral relationship, according to a tweet from the ecuadorian Embassy in the mexican capital that revealed no more details.

in mid-December, the Government of Lopez Obrador denounced the siege of its Embassy in Bolivia for him to surrender to the Justice of the bolivian nine former officials close to president Evo Morales. After several days of tensions and the interplay of disqualifications between the two Governments, the ambassador, mexican, Teresa Market, was declared persona non grata and had to leave the country. In the escalation of tensions also were forced to leave the country, the Spanish consul, Alvaro Fernandez, and his charge d’affaires, Cristina Borreguero, after a confusing incident following a casual visit to the legation of mexico.

In this case, the story seems to be different. Another of the reasons that you cite the sources consulted to rule out a diplomatic crisis with Ecuador is the commercial relationship between both countries, much stronger than with Bolivia. Between 2000 and 2018, Mexico was the country that most foreign investment injected in Ecuador with more than 1,550 millions of dollars, according to the Central Bank of ecuador.