In Argentina, has surfaced a list with the names of 12’000 Nazis, who are said to have lived from the 1930’s in the South American country. An Argentine investigators had found in an old warehouse in Buenos Aires to the list of supporters of the Hitler regime.

A large number of Nazi sympathizers paid, therefore money to one or more accounts in the Schweizerische Kreditanstalt (SKA), today’s big Bank, Credit Suisse with headquarters in Zurich, such as the Simon Wiesenthal center on Tuesday announced.

“We believe that these long dormant accounts money was that had been stolen from the Jewish Victims of national socialism,” it was said. The Simon Wiesenthal center asked the Bank accordingly in writing access to their archives.

Black list

had according to the assessment of the centre contact to companies with ties to the Nazi Regime, which had been set during the Second world war of the USA and the UK on the Black list.

Between 1997 and 1999, had taken a Commission of experts under the leadership of former Fed-chief Paul Volcker, the business of the SKA, and further, some 60 Swiss banks under the magnifying glass. It was a matter of accounts of individuals identify the alleged Victims of the Holocaust belongs to should have.

CS wants to again.

look, The investigation was, according to Credit Suisse unique in its kind. The report was the result of in-depth research of a large number of specialists This allows to create a complete, comprehensive list of Swiss Bank accounts, the Nazi-era Victims heard are likely to have. Credit Suisse aims to investigate due to the latest discovery of the issue again.

According to information provided by the Wiesenthal centre, the military regime has brought under the Nazi-friendly then-President José Félix Uriburu, and his successor, Augustin Pedro Justo, a growing number of Nazis to Argentina. In 1938, the international Arm of the Nazis was one in Argentina, a total of 1400 people.

archives burned

The Nazi-friendly Argentine groups have tried to eliminate it later on your entries, by ran Archive verb. The Argentine Investigator Pedro Filipuzzi took place at the former headquarters of the Nazis in Buenos Aires happens to have a copy of the list with the 12’000 people. He informed the Wiesenthal center about it.

Several dozen Nazi war criminals, including Josef Mengele, and for the Deportation of Jews to the extermination camps of the Nazis competent Adolf Eichmann had fled after the Second world war to Argentina and lived there, partly under a false identity. (chk/sda)

Created: 05.03.2020, 02:56 PM