Coronavirus or not, a healthy diet can never harm. The Ickinger expert Ursula Schöller says: “The more colorful, the better.”

Icking – healthy to eat, can not harm in a time in which the Virus is rampant, of course. This view Ursula Schöller represents. The body’s own defences, says the Ickinger nutritionist, could do with a couple of simple things in a fast and reliable fit. “Five a day”, so five times a day, a Serving of vegetables or fruit, is their motto. The following applies: “the more colorful, the better”.

Schöllers favorite Interpretation of the good old wisdom of the German society for nutrition is: “four vegetables and even fruit or the same amount of vegetables, two to three meals a split.” It was important to her that the products are fresh, regional, and colorful, “because then you are good suppliers of phytochemicals, vitamins and minerals”. The Ickingerin preferred regional products, “because Transport and storage of important nutrients are lost”.

Giersch mistaken for a weed a bad reputation

A good example of regional Superfood of the wrong to as a weed, but absolutely Giersch was: “The just grows anywhere and will fit wonderfully in a salad or Smoothie.” He has, for example, significantly more Vitamin C than green cabbage, and waxes in most of the gardens just for free. “A gift from mother nature. The spray’ I’m not, the ess’ I,“ says scholler. The Same applies to garlic that is sprouting everywhere now. Anti-viral effect in addition, Cistus-tea. “There are now also appropriate lozenges,” says the studied economic computer scientist, came via a detour to the nutritional advice.

her husband became ill in 2000 of cancer, and she was looking for ways to support him in the chemotherapy. He survived the chemotherapy with far fewer side effects. Schöller was – in spite of a diagnosis of infertility – all of a sudden pregnant. “Since I know you can defeat with the right diet, many diseases. I would like to pass on to my customers,“ says holistic nutritionist about your dream job.

Although currently, all classes are cancelled, it remains optimistic in the fight against Covid-19. Your tip: You could, as a precaution, inhale, when they had come together in a public space with several people. “Thyme and Oregano are my anti-viral favorites,” reveals the Ickingerin. “You are supported, for example, by Mixing it with eucalyptus, camphor and/or mint.” You could use fresh herbs or essential Oils. It is helpful to inhale a couple of minutes to potential viruses on the mucous membranes of the respiratory membranes make the kill. “This is not true of course also for other viruses,” concludes the health consultant, “there are only Corona.”

food additives to avoid

another important aspect is to avoid food additives. Ursula Schöller know from your practice: “in Particular, milk powder additives are a burden especially for asthmatics, sufferers of neurodermatitis and Allergy in General.” Unfortunately, they were in many finished products such as sausages, bakery, ice cream, and almost all of the sweets and promote a variety of inflammatory reactions. Generally speaking, you would drive the consumption of cow’s milk products, “down” but not completely prohibit it. “A good, natural yogurt, twice per week promotes the immune system,” she says. Milk powder, however, a cheap industrial product, which by its frequency quickly to a lot of.

Schöllers conclusion: “Alone, when we note the and reduced, many complaints in connection with the mucous membranes, much better very quickly.” ina