The us president Donald Trump announced on Friday that it wanted to put an end to the exemptions granted to hong Kong within the framework of its special relationship with the United States is now in question. China ” has not kept his word given to the world to ensure the autonomy of hong Kong “, has launched Donald Trump from the gardens of the White House, during a statement at the firm tone, but limited details. “It is a tragedy for the people of hong Kong, for China and for the world “, has he hammered.

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This statement comes in a climate of explosive : the billionaire republican has raised the tone in recent weeks, accusing Beijing of being responsible for the spread of the new coronavirus across the planet, and has promised retaliation. The United States denounced for the past several days, the controversial law on national security that Beijing wants to impose on hong Kong. They believe that this is a disguised way of muzzling the opposition in hong kong and to cut down on the freedoms, that denies firmly the China.

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“I demand my government to start the process of elimination of the exemptions that accord hong Kong a special status,” has launched Donald Trump. “This decision will have an impact on the whole of the agreements that we have with hong Kong “, he added, mentioning in particular the extradition treaty and certain commercial privileges, with a few exceptions.

The handover of hong Kong was made in the name of the principle of “one country, two systems” that allowed the territory to retain freedoms unknown in mainland China, in particular, a free economy, an independent judiciary, freedom of expression and a Parliament partly elected by universal suffrage. These exemptions have led to a number of countries, like the United States, to pass laws allowing them to treat hong Kong as a commercial entity distinct from the authoritarian chinese.

chinese students, “potential risk” to national security

Displaying his willingness to help secure the university-based research, “vital for the country,” Donald Trump has signed a decree suspending the entry of “some citizens” chinese students, identified as “potential risks” to the national security of the United States. “For years, the chinese government engaged in espionage to steal our secrets “, he denounced. According to the Institute of international education (IIE), the Chinese are the foreign students are the most numerous in the United States, with nearly 370 000 of them in 2018-2019, or one-third of the total.

also Read Consternation in the face of the future law on national security in hong Kong

The democrats have seen in the firmness of sudden a way to hide the failure of the president to address the epidemic of coronavirus, which has killed more than 100,000 people in the country. “Just heartbreaking,” said their leader in the Senate, Chuck Schumer. “The president wants to divert the attention paid to its breaches to China, so he does what he must for the wrong reasons,” said Eliot Engel, the foreign Affairs committee in the House.

counter-measures predict

In hong Kong, the local government has intimated that there would be a reaction. “Sanctions are not always unilateral, and our country [China] has said that we would implement counter-measures “, said Saturday his chief of internal security, John Lee. The british ambassador in fiscal to the UN, Jonathan Allen, has estimated that, if the act desired by the Chinese was enforced, it would exacerbate the “deep divisions” in the society of hong Kong.

The United States, the United Kingdom, Canada and Australia lead the revolt internationally against the project, which plans to punish the separatist forces and ” terrorists “, the subversion or foreign interference in the autonomous territory to chinese. This law should prevent a recurrence of the demonstrations in hong Kong in 2019 against the influence of Beijing, initially peaceful but also marked by violence and vandalism. They have strengthened a current pro-independence formerly marginal.

Read also the First human tide in hong Kong against the law of national security

China, which had blocked on Wednesday a u.s. demand for formal meeting of the security Council on hong Kong, held at the end of the video conference on Friday that the approach to the western was in vain. “Any attempt to use hong Kong to interfere in the internal affairs of China is doomed to failure,” stressed the chinese ambassador to the UN Zhang Jun.