In this international project, the Serengeti-Park testicles Hagen is involved in the lüneburg Heath. “The Park has an exceptional position in the breeding of the Southern wide-mouth Rhino,” said Thomas Hildebrandt from the Leibniz-Institute for Zoo – and wild animal research on Tuesday. With the help of the Nashornkuh Makena from lower Saxony, the Insertion and Discharge of the laboratory-produced embryos is to be tested. The first steps are to taken embryos of the southern Rhinos. Worldwide, there are only two Northern white rhinos in Kenya, both of which are females. From two years ago, died last Northern Rhino bulls frozen semen but still exists. In the international project have already been generated from egg cells of the remaining females and sperm embryos – these should be held in Kenya from a surrogate mother. The target is that in three years, the first Northern white Rhino to be born, said Hildebrandt.
