The Corona-crisis is in the coffers of the city a hole in Geretsried tear. The only question is, how big the hole will be at the end.

Geretsried – The combing of the city of Geretsried is a significant incision on the revenue side are mostly of income caused by less trade tax. The decline in the liquidity reserve can be collected by a handle in the back.

the effects of Corona since April felt

+ Helge Balbiani, the Department head of Finance at the city of Geretsried.

Since the beginning of April, the impact of the Corona pandemic in the case of the trade tax is noticeable. The predisposition to sun-currently around 14.9 million euros, or about 2.8 million euros lower than before the outbreak of the crisis, said Helge Balbiani in the meeting of the Finance Committee on Tuesday evening in the town hall. To date, 133 businesses have the advance payments adjust. “Looking at the Reductions in the advance payments, this dropped to around 4,65 million Euro”, – said the financial expert of the municipality. This would only be offset by the good results of previous years in the field of investments a bit.

Four million euros less revenue

In Geretsried ten companies for two-thirds of trade tax revenue. For 2020, this was estimated to 18 million euros. For comparison: in 2014, the commercial tax revenue with EUR 8.6 million. “We’re talking about a very high level,” added CSU-mayor Michael Müller. Currently, the forecasts are between 11.2 million (if the slide continues), and 17.4 million Euro (when the economy recovers). As a result, the administration expects a loss of revenue in the amount of approximately four million euros.

business tax levy also plays a role

Closely associated with the trade tax trade tax is according to Balbiani tax levy to pay the city the tax office responsible. In the budget, the levy is estimated to be 1.6 million Euro. Depending on the development of the trade tax, this would be between 1 and 1.6 million Euro. “Assuming a volume of 14 million euros at the end of the year, would be the levy at 1.29 million euros.” The burden of the loss of revenue the business tax would be reduced by approximately 3.6 million euros (net).

Also on the revenue through the income tax, the city of corona will have to make-due to the swabs: a financial expert Balbiani estimates of about 1.3 million euros less compared to the planned approach of 16.5 million euros.

the supplementary budget to compensate for no theme

To loss of revenue of around 4.9 million euros, would save the city approximately 47% in General and administrative expenses. Such a large saving in the current administration is not “realistic,” said Balbiani. Therefore, you will need heuer to accept a higher deficit (a total of 6.5 million euros) and reserves to compensate for. The combing looks for this reason, there is no need for a supplementary budget.

as a result of the Corona-crisis will melt, the liquid funds of the city by 2023, from currently estimated 21.6 million to 4.2 million Euro. Balbiani: “This is a little below the pain threshold of the combing, but we are cool with that relative, because we are careful with spending.” According to mayor Muller, a retreat is planned for the autumn. Then, the councilors will discuss what you want to afford and can.

revenue losses in the case of Vhs, library and indoor swimming pool

Due to the Corona-crisis and some of the urban facilities will be closed. Thus, less revenue will be flushed into the city’s coffers. The Volkshochschule (Vhs) was from the 16. March to 11. – May; up to the end of the Pentecost holidays, no events were held. Per Semester, the city planned revenue in the amount of 87 500 Euro. Up-to-date received to the account of the Vhs about 42 000 Euro, 20 000 Euro are to be expected. “For the fall semester so far, only the initial assumptions can be made,” says the financial expert of the city, Helge Balbiani. You can, however, assume that about half (40 000 Euro) of the originally planned revenues in the amount of 87 500 euros will be received.

the city library was of the corona-induced closure affected. Since the 12th century. In may, the facility is subject to certain conditions accessible again. Planned by the city with revenue in the amount of 15 000 Euro. Currently, this amounts to 3500 Euro. To expect 8000 euros.

The old swimming pool at the Jahn street is still closed. “When planning the budget it has been assumed that the new indoor swimming pool will be opened in September,” said Balbiani. On the basis of which the competent Department reported already lower fees than in previous years, The city planned € 25 000, have been received to date, about 20 to 500 euros. Whether and to what extent something happens, depends on when the old bathroom is open. As reported for September, the scheduled opening of the new swimming pool does not hold. By means of the Corona of crisis, it comes down to the construction site delays. At the end of April, mayor Michael Müller was mentioned as a possible date for the opening of the December of this year. But that would be a “cautious forecast”.


see also:

inter-communal indoor swimming pool: scramble for future occupancy

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