In the sparsely populated Altmark, which is two Times as large as the Saarland, to be connected by the funds in the next few years, tens of thousands of households to ultra-fast glass fiber. For more than 2300 kilometers of cable are to be installed. Details of the project were to be in gardelegen presented. This is also the Federal Minister of transport, Andreas Scheuer (CSU) and Minister-President Reiner Haseloff (CDU), to travel, to learn about the project. Saxony-Anhalt has a large pent-up demand for broadband expansion and is in comparison with other countries currently on the penultimate place. According to the broadband Atlas by the end of the previous year, 78.5 per cent of the households in Saxony-Anhalt, connections with Download were able to get speeds of 50 megabits per second. A little less than one in ten has access to twenty Times the speed of Gigabit network.

For comparison: nationwide, 92 percent of the households are connected with Rates of at least 50 megabits per second, and 43 percent have access to a Gigabit connection. The Federal government set the objective that in five years, all in Germany, with at least one Gigabit per second can surf. Where the private telecommunications providers do not lay the cables, because it is uneconomical, and there is funding.
