Everyone knows the feeling that everyday objects look at us, apparently, or something looks like a face? The phenomenon that we see faces, symbols, and other familiar objects in so similar looking things, is well-researched. One speaks in this case of Pareidolia – the apparent Detect Patterns where there are none. The word comes from the Greek and roughly translates as illusion. The reason for this lies in our brain is hidden: it Takes a little Erblicktes as incomplete or unclear true, it complements the perception so that it corresponds to a familiar image. Pareidolien are misinterpretations of our gray cells. Researchers at the Institute for technology in Massachusetts found that the left brain evaluated area how similar an image of a face. The right half of the brain decides whether it is really a face.

Evolutionary reason

The origin of the phenomenon is likely established evolutionarily – and this also explains why, especially faces, is often as Pareidolia are perceived: they are the unmistakable signs of a human being. To identify a human face, as such, an important basis for Survival is for infants and young children; in later life it helps adults to recognize people even in confusing situations quickly.

faces in the urban city life

Some artists use this phenomenon for the so-called Eyebombing – decorating the paving stones, garbage cans, and co. with the eyes. Your goal: to humanize The objects. One of the artists Vanyu Krastev is, the photographer will beautify the streets in the Bulgarian capital Sofia.

This article was written by Charlotte Rotten In the FOCUS Online/Wochit In the

*The contribution of “the phenomenon of Pareidolia: Why we faces in everyday objects, and recognize” published by world of wonders. Contact with the executives here.

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