Each year, you want to make one, it said: Therefore, after the establishment of “seahorse” in Großkayna, gets in this year, a new kitchen could, 2021, Kita “Benjamin the elephant” in Krumpâ and 2022 Kita “mouse land” in the Frank life of the series. How the planned renovations in the remaining four facilities will continue, to the fact you do not want to commit himself, but for the time being.

a New kitchen is necessary: lack of equipment

The call, with the topic of kitchens to deal in the day-care centres, was of city councils by the end of 2019 in the course of the Budget consultations come up. The social Committee had recommended to renew the kitchen in the “seahorse,” in Großkayna, what was finally included in the budget. Tilo Bernd (Left) urged not to leave it at this day-care centre. Sven Czekalla (CDU), joined the and suggested that a priority list has to be printed (MZ reported). This is going to happen now, with the help of the administration.

Karin lead tree, the head of the office for Finance and social Affairs in the city, suggested to the social Committee to consider in the next year, the day-care centre in Krumpâ with a new kitchen. The present is, in fact, provided just furniture with a few simple wooden. For the year 2022, the administration advised that the nursery life in Frank it should be. Came to these proposals have no objections from the Committee members. However, it was stated that it should be made also an image.

furniture made of stainless steel

For the establishment of a new kitchen in the nursery Großkayna planning to run in the municipal administration, however. As the Chairman of the Committee Rüdiger herring (FDP) said in the recent meeting, is to be manufactured the furniture according to the present offers completely in stainless steel. A question regarding the use of wood had been rejected, he added. “I am also, as Mr herring, a say true of, let’s do this right and make stainless steel furniture,” said Karin lead-tree, and said: “Because the assumptions for the Hygiene are quite high.”

For the new kitchen in Großkayna, including the necessary construction works, estimated in the budget this year the city of frankleben is 25,000 Euro. This could be as a guideline for what would have to be set in the next few years, in the budgets of the city of new kitchens in the other nurseries. If the first one was installed, was it also about, in terms of the exact cost, smarter, said the Amtsleiterin more. (mz)

This article was written by Anke Losack

*The article “modernization: day-care centres in Großkayna and Krumpâ should new kitchens get” will be published by the mitteldeutsche Zeitung. Contact with the executives here.

Central German newspaper